Trimming Feng Shui According to the Nature. The Blue Arrow Shows the Direction of the Temple风水要拿捏得当,关键在于因地制宜
这是我在福建厦门拍的.这是自然形成的坐向,自然的洞穴,自然的岩石,自然而然. 这给那些主张改大门、调门的风水大师一个启示;就是真龙的穴根本不必需要调门风水大师;需要调门风水大师的风水就必定算不上上等风水宝地.
“福人居富地,富地福人居”,切记! 诸位看官要晓得,风水是因人福报而异;强求不得. 千金难买一福地.
天垂象以示吉凶,百姓日用而不知. 以上的穴位,跟本不需要任何调门风水功夫. 看官要知道,一登龙穴,一切自然“就绪”、“各就各位”,根本不必人为造作。
I took this picture in Xiamen, Fujian Province of China. The Blue Arrow shows the natural facing of the temple. This temple is located inside a cave. This is a natural cave formation. Everything here is so natural.
It does not need any feng shui master to Tilt the main door or to change the door location. As, the door facing is already determined by the natural formation. A Dragon Spot does not need any facing tilting or door tilting… Th Dragon spot itself is so perfect that, it fulfill all requirements to be graded as A Grade feng shui.
If the place required a door tilting, or slanting door facing…. all these show that this is NOT a Good feng shui place… Door Tilting cannot change magically change the feng shui to be grade A… This is Law of the Earth…