敬爱的孙老师 :
请您告诉我如何开启未来命运的密码。 谢谢。
我的名字是 XX IT
出生于 1 某某月 1978年 早辰某某时
感谢您拨出时间来指导(分析)我的未来投身做生意的潜能(感兴趣的领域), 财富能力,最好的时机,还有我的身体健康指数。
Dear Master Soon,
I would like to do a bazi analysis with you as I have heard you have tremendous feng shui / bazi knowledge and also unconventional methods which helps your customers.
Please let me know how to go about doing this. Thank you.
My name is XX IT
1 1978 xx:xxam
Born in Kuala Lumpur, 59100 KL
I appreciate your time to do analysis on my future potential do business (areas of interest), wealth capacity, best times,health analysis.
Also would like to know what other unconventional wisdom which you have that can be shared to uplift my current situation to greater heights.
Thank you
《东方智慧》Oriental Wisdom – Master Soon
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