In China, a feng shui master is expected to prove himself in practical work in order to their RESPECT. Based on 2 items in the room, it is easy to tell your business condition..... Instant and Accurate.....
Let’s talk about some of my feng shui audit in China, Feb 2012. China is the birth place of Feng Shui acknowledge which has been spreaded to many countries today. Mainland Chinese are living in the culture of feng shui and they experience and enjoy the core value of feng shui. Compared to oversea, the demand of feng shui in mainland China is much higher, the people here are more informed of Yijing, Daoism and also application of feng shui. All clienteles are very “CHINESE”, very “Yijing”, very “Yin Yang”, very “dynamic” and very “creative”.
What I try to tell you is that ” they are not ignorant like a blank paper about feng shui. You are dealing with the people who have been living side by side with FENG SHUI for thousand of years….. The content of their feng shui demand is “wide & deep” in term of culture, history, politics and social relationship and symbolic traits. I am very thankful that I had gone through CHINESE education since my primary school….. and I could assure you that NON CHINESE educated feng shui master is going to face various huge obstacles here in mainland China due to ignorance of culture, language, social interaction and etc… Among all obstacles, your command of Chinese language (refer to Chinese Classics) shows the Length, Width, Height, Depth of your Chinese Metaphysical WISDOM (where feng shui is part of Chinese Wisdom)
When they talked about “司马昭之心,路人皆知“, you should be correspond accordingly….. when they said”身在曹营心在汉” should be aware of something….. If you could understand effectivekly and isntantly, you are instant cut off from deeper communication with Mainland Chinese…… Back to South East Asia and even India, people are more vulnerable to FAKED feng shui …….
In this case, I was invited by a boss who is Chinese culture enthusiast. He is collector of Chinese Painting and Chinese Calligraphy. Socially, you are requested to commend on paints and calligraphy. This is the way how Chinese evaluate how far you command about Chinese philosophy…… ( paintings and calligraphies carry the wisdom of Yijing & Daoism)….. ….
Now, if you apply xuan kong玄空 or san he 三合 to read and justify those Chinese Paintings and Calligraphies…. you are going to make yourself a joker then…. …. Brothers and sisters, Having knowledge of San Yuan and San He are important, but NOT enough to understand the TRUTH fully….
Based on item A and item B, I told the owner that : ” Apparently your business looks good. However, your hardwork (item A) is wasted (item B)….This means you work so hard, you have prospects, however, you COULD NOT convert those prospects to be your customers (spend money to buy)…… You have walk-in prospects but they do not buy…. most of the walk in prospects are with political background…..
The Boss replied immediately:” yes, most of them are government officers…. Master Soon, let us have a good dinner and I would like to get your professional feng shui consultation……..
Master Soon
email : master@mastersoon.com
mobile: +6012 560 3333