There are a number of inquiries by emails and by calls to ask me to clarify content in Module A of ” Supercharge Your Career With Real Feng Shui”; which will be conducted on 14 April 2013 at YMCA Penang.
2013 WORKHOP -Unlock The Truth Of Money(PDF)
Let me summarize as below for your quick reference.
a) The reason why the Module A include sub- topics 1-5 as below
- Asiatic Successful Life Principles & Family Values
- Asiatic Social Networking Significance
- Essence of Asian Spiritual Rules of Success
- Asiatic Family Values Which Build The Foundations of Success
- Problems & Solutions With Modern Asians Middle Class
- Untold Secrets of Successful Businessmen and Families
You could find my lengthy analysis but very insightful; why these are very important to Asians. Kindly click
b) The reason why below are included in Module A
- Proven Yin Yang & Five Elements Practical Techniques
- Proven Application of Later Heaven Bagua
- Proven Bagua Feng Shui as Money Activation Starter
- Metaphysical Truths of 10 Heavenly Stems & 12 Earthly Branches
Basic is where the top secrets embedded and hidden.
By knowing Real Yin Yang concept, it helps you to uncover why certain families suffer from scandalous issues like extra-marital affair, homosexual, ext…..By Knowing Real Five Elements, you should be able to identify why member of family are sufferings from certain deceases and illness. By knowing Bagua feng shui, you should be able to recover from your “leaking” money…. By Knowing your animal signs thru 10 heavenly stems and 12 Earthly Branches, you are delighted why and how you could upgrade your self financially and physically.
c) The reason why Stove, Bed, Door, Storeroom, Kitchen, Side Door and Window are important
- Increasing Possibilities and Probabilities of Luck Changing by STOVE, BED, DOOR, KITCHEN, FRUITS. …..
Placement and orientation of Stove in fact shape your sexuality and overall financial well being, besides determine your livelihood and your personal charisma.
Placement and orientation of Bed in fact tell your luck and career advancement, besides your romance luck and your attractiveness.
Fruits… Fruits… at your dinning table and kitchen are in fact catalysts of luck changing…..
Pictures at the wall are also either multiply your luck or weaken your career performance….
There are many stuffs and issues to share with you as long as Feng Shui for career advancement is concern.
If you are keen to upgrade your career by power of feng shui, kindly click this :
Master Soon
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Mobile : +6012 560 3333