- 山不在高,有仙则名;水不在深,有鱼则灵
- 这是双鲤镇水口(A 和 B) 请仔细看双鱼头上的小眼睛(灵气).
- 守住大风水之水口,就是守住大财富。
- A 和 B 是自然的石头,组成第一层水口砂(守大财)
- C 类似乌龟 和 D 是乌龟背。其头部(面向C)浸没在水中 – 几乎看不见但是当照片放大时仍然可以看见。 当水处于高水位时,C背部的较暗部分是唯一可见的部分。 C 和D 组成第二层水口砂。
- ABCD 之中的自然小池塘是最后一个聚财盆。
- 最下端的是人为的石灰聚财池。
- Dedicated Hermit makes the mountain becoming famous; while the existence of fishes tell the water is energetic.
- A & B are the stone fishes with beautiful eyes.
- Two fishes safe guard the water mouth(wealth).
- A & B are natural stones. Both form the first layer of nozzle sand to keep the wealth(water).
- C resembles a tortoise and D a tortoise back. The head(facing C) is submerged in the water – barely visible but nevertheless still noticeable when photo is enlarged. The darker portion of C’s back is the only part visible when water is at high level. Both(C & D) to form a second layer of nozzle sand.
- The natural small pond among the ABCD is the last gathering pot to keep the water(money) before flowing to outer pool.
- At the bottom is the artificial water pool to generate and keep the water(wealth).
《东方智慧》Oriental Wisdom – Master Soon
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