XKDG testimonials

XKDG Testimonial
玄空大卦 XKDG ( Phase I)
Date :14-15 July 2012 ( Sat & Sun)
Time:10:30am – 5:30pm
Venue:YMCA Penang

Malaysia Metaphysician Master SOON
International Feng Shui Master 国际易经玄学老师
XKDG testimonials
XKDG Testimonial
Time:10:30am – 5:30pm
Venue:YMCA Penang
I have been receiving many questions about Xuan Kong Da Gua (XKDG) since 2 months ago. Those who ask this kind of questions are mostly practitioners and advanced level feng shui enthusiasts because to enable a person to ask questions within XKDG coverage requires certain level of feng shui knowledge. At the same time, the readership on my XKDG articles (mostly I wrote in year 2010) attract huge traffic into my blog. However, I was busy with my feng shui consultations in Kuala Lumpur and feng shui Workshops in Penang, and, had no time to answer those XKDG questions one by one.
Today, I just pick one of the question as below:
“I come across a saying that 玄空大卦为体,飞星为用, how true is this comment ?” This question asked what is my opinion on this market driven XKDG statement.
This market driven statement could be translated in another words as these :
” How do you think about the principle of XKDG which sounds XKDG is the body, and XKFS is the application?”
My comments :
Master Soon XKDG Xuan Kong Da Gua. There are a lot of XKDG secrets in this picture... May the truth reveals itself to the selected few
If a XKDG master does NOT consider energy at XKDG1- XKDG 8, it tells that his XKDG has no Geomantics/Land Formation element. Each location XKDG1-8, shape and disturb the XKDG alignment you define or choose. Location at Master Soon and Master Soon 1 also impose invisible energy outcome onto property unit A-E, although all five units share the same architectural direction. Interraction of energy between property unit of J,H,I and J and XKDG 1-8 is very different from F,K and L.
If XKDG is being used to tilt a door or the main door of a property(house), this act of feng shui activation only tells that this kind of practitoners HAVE NOT YET fully comprehend/understand what XKDG is meant for.
If a person “Believe in” by Tilting a Main Door bearing ( in a few degree) would “MAKE OVER” or “Change” his destiny, this only tells that he has lost his mind or… he is poisoned by FAKED XKDG mentally.
May you have divine wisdom.
Further information only reserve for my class on 14-15 JULY 2012
The Powerful Descending Mountain with Dragon Formation. The Cloud formed a sharp of Dragon as long as I stay to enjoy the dragon view. 天垂龙象 展示龙穴
This few days are hot. As usual I enjoy my late evening in a cooling dragon fountain…. it is located at a place where no one aware of its dragonic water from the fountain. Even the villagers pass by daily, yet, they also have no idea of the value of this fountain’s water…. It is very normal that common people have no idea of all these priceless dragonic places and its fountains.
Just be relax, when you are in the dragonic spot or formation. The nature would lead you the way to the truth and the path…. Who would lead you? The nature. The nature would show you the way… NOT the rigid feng shui formula(s)….
The nature releases your potential…yet, the faked formula(s) which you have learned from the books and the class would rigidify your mind and lead to the dead end…
Borthers and sisters, Dao 道 tells that when you throw away all the formula(s) you have learned, at that moment, the real wisdom comes to you naturally.
I enjoy the dragonic formation, view, location and energetic empowerment very much. The power of a feng shui master is derived from the dragonic enhancement NOT from the feng shui so-called feng shui Formula…. When you make your mind empty,then, you will see the truth just like the content of this picture.
The picture was taken on xx month yy day zz time( the power of date selection)…. The cloud naturally formed a shape of Dragon (red box) as long as I stayed there to enjoy the view. Let nature take its course…. Amazing… the dragon head shape cloud was forming naturally and gradually… it became in perfect dragon head when I had successfully got into Correct place/alignment to take this picture….
My points are
Again, this article is dedicated to this blog readers who are seeking the TRUTH.
Have A Nice Day
I was in Singapore on 22 May 2012. As usual, it was meant for feng shui audit. While searching for a cup of coffee, I was apporached by a big guy. I was shocked to be “blocked” suddenly and surprisingly in a public place of a foreign country by a BIG guy. After he introduced himself, then, I felt relief… He is Mr. Ong, one of the sincere blog readers, just like you. Just like many of you, prefer to shock me and communicate thru personal level, personal emailing…….
The sincerity and good manner of Mr Ong of greeting recalled my memory of him who have wriiten me email last month… Meeting him by coincident without plan has sent some kind of signal to me ?..
异国相遇, 必有玄义……
On the same day, Steven Thung, one of the blog readers, dropped me an email in the morning. He came to see me at 4:30pm in Singapore. This meeting was also by Chance….. without planning…
During the chat.. he wanted to know about in-depth information in relations to various schools of feng shui, religions, spiritualism, Daoism and……
By the way,many people prefer to communicate with me thru personal email due to some of their personal reasons; especially their status as “feng shui masters“,”feng shui practitioners“, “feng shui consultants” and “feng shui lecturers“. You are not the only feng shui specialist who drop me email for ideas and advices…. Anyway, if you are sincere and humble, normally I will show you a way to solve your problem in accordance to principle of Dao… I will let go some of my knowledge if you are a sincere person by HEART….. Sincerity is NOT my personal request… it is the basic requirement for you to understand the TURTH of Metaphysics…… and Dao
These 2 events took place by CHANCE 这两件事是自然发生……
昨天星期三傍晚6点45分我载着父母和妹妹到槟城乔治市用晚餐庆祝母亲节.近几年每逢母亲节槟城的酒楼就火红爆满。也许槟城人这些年来开始庆祝母亲节、父亲节,这是好现象。槟城是全马来西亚华人最集中的州属于城市,一般华人相对于友族如马来人或印度人,比较舍得花钱享受桌上美食。 前三天的酒楼饱满,咱们就延迟三天庆祝. 我们 四个同意就到久违的 海边的Ocean Green Restaurant,边用餐边欣赏槟城的夕阳……多美丽, 生活多美好…..一切就那么的自然…. 忘了用i-phone 拍照…. 因为是随心的 就不刻意…. 因为 《道》,师法自然…..
父亲叙述了六十多年前童少年时期就在这餐厅海边玩乐…..典型的热带童年时光 哈哈… 于2012年母亲节我们回到了父亲童年欢乐的海边用餐,其乐无比。其实我10岁开始于上午班下课之后骑脚踏车来这同样的地方看海… 听海浪的声音…. 12岁开始约同级男女同学放学后一同来者这海边玩水…. 童真的我们当时真的玩得不亦乐乎。也许我这班同学懂得“回归自然”;偏偏我们这般爱玩的同学个个学业顶呱呱… 更是 校队代表 …. 等等…. 越爱玩 学业就也好…. 这道理我10岁就悟到了…我与父亲的童年就在这里追溯回忆…. 其实这里也是许许多多槟城人回忆童年的地方.这间比我父亲还年长的老字号也见证许许多多人的回忆.
我们学《易经》的人,学《道》的人,如果你要提升你的预测能力或悟性, 就得“返老还童”和“回返先天”。 因为回归自己才是“真”。 有了“真”方可得〈真理〉…. 〈真理〉不在公式(formula) ;因为公式只是开场白,这是开头,仅此而已。重要的是你的能量与〈真理〉接轨….
当我深入〈道〉时,以前的风水讲座听众 路上遇见我说:“孙老师您近来若隐若现, 很难见到你,但确是在网络上可以马上找到您.” 其实,回归自然后,反而真正找我办事的人更多。 曝光少了,反而更多时间遨游大自然中,有更多的开悟。物以类聚,人以群分, 找上门的人,也是相当份量的人了….
昨天救了一条青龙蛇, 怎么今天一早就有许多人打电来预约…. ?这一天当中这么多的回酬是超乎预料的。我就放下工作,将心领神会记录下来。 入《道》越深,领悟果报越贴切…… 也深深体会何谓〈天生天养〉〈大道无形 常养万物〉一切不刻意。反而收获更多…. 这就是道家说的 “反其道而行”也……….
这是本人在四月闭关一个月,于四月28日出关之后 所招开的第一班学员、第一班中华易经玄学预测班。本人将于以下时间地点,传授本人于闭关时期所悟之 《易理》、《玄理》、《道理》、《象数》等。有感于市场弥漫虚假学说,愚弄单纯的学子,误传、误导马来西亚谦虚学子们,本人基于《道统》立场,有义务指导学子回归正统。故,此次开班给马来西亚学子一个“纯正又精确”的八卦指导班.
日期:2012年5月19-20日(Sat & Sun)
时间:10:15am – 5:15pm
地点:YMCA Penang
截止日期:2012年5月16日(星期三) 下午一点正
易卦来源于《易经》,但易卦是一把防身的刀. 人在竞争社会里谋生不得不时常警惕。但是还是防不胜防。为什么呢?原因就是不能洞察先机,没有预测未来的知识。在千变万化的社会里,如何比别人预先看到机会?如何抢先机?如何做比别人快一步,走在前头领先呢?
本课程教您如何做一个小先知。易卦教你看个人命运.易卦叫教您直接看个人运气.易卦教您看透情敌(对手)运气、看恋爱运、婚姻运。易卦看婚外情、未了情、三角情、世间种种情.易卦看透男人真面目、摸透女人心. 教您预测商机,做正确的商业决定。有时不确定的事,易卦给你明智的看法.有时迷惑, 易卦让你眼睛明亮.
此外,易卦可改变运气,改变您的运势.通过易卦,扭转阴阳,帮助你达到目的。男人本来色、女人原本艳 那种男子嫁不得、那类女人娶不了,单刀直入看透透。看透风流汉、看穿狐狸精.
八卦的重点:“一看就看透;一学你就会”; “改变、改变、再改变. 变好,变好、再变好”.
绝招传授:不必对方生辰八字,5分钟以内将对方算透、看透、一目了然 。(孙老师个人保证)
如果学员不满授课学术水准,可于第一天12pm(午饭时间)提出退学; 本院一概将“学费全额”退还
您可在出席2天 《单刀直入八卦预测法》课程之前,先行复习一下简单的〈八卦演绎法〉:
Master Soon
I had officially ended my Daoism meditation couple days ago…
I had ended Daoism meditation on 28 April 2012.
Places ( Jungle in Penang Hill) had been spent during my Daoism meditation
面山得一清.....清者浊之源 曾是我修身的地方
Daoist Metaphysicians know that the right season to go into deep Daoist physical enhancement to grap dragonic energy in year of 2012, is a “few” days before Qing Ming Season 清明节 and this would continue for minimum 15 days. The instant results of this practice are many, to attract animals to your presence, improvement of health condition, and ability to see the energy movement and sense the smell of the Qi ‘Tangibly” and “Objectively”. If your training of metaphysic is always associated with Meditation, I would like to conglatulate you… and probably you deserve my respect as “Real metaphysician”.
As this is the first time I expose something about meditation + feng shui, therefore, let us start from the surface of this subject. This is becuase it is no good to expose your unprepared mind into deep “reality” beyond the surfacing reality. There are a numbers of rules and regulations to follow before you go into deep Daoism meditation. All monotheism like Christian, Islam, Judaism and Catholics are against meditation, to them, the believers should only pray to god but not meditate. The restriction by monotheism is mainly to prohibit their followers to go into this spiritual level which would enable the mediator to see the higher “reality” dimension of “GOD”. So, all followers of monotheism are prohibited to “taste” this spiritual dishes due to the reason that the followers will be exposed to higher “wisdom” and eventually challenge the authority and legitimacy of Almighty God.
The amazing part of deep meditation is energizing your inner energy. You could feel your body is full of energy and warmer. Your face and your hands become reddish…. On top of that, your sensitivity is open to the nature in different level. You get closer to “whispering of the nature“…. (I will elaborate more after a few articles when your mind is prepared for all these “impossible”)
"whispering of the nature" .... there are many occurances that cat come into my presence while I tracing the dragon especially since year 2012..... Many times I have missed to catch these kind of photo unless my photographer goes with me or my team. The cat was just focus on us while I was giving fieldwork explanations to my students.
What I try to share with you is : “MOST” of the times the whispering of nature tells more In-Depth Knowledge and Wisdom compared to feng shui formula. Dear brothers and sisters, it is only beneficial to you to have one more source of wisdom besides feng shui formula; if your mind and heart are open to this….. The dragonic energy would go into your body when you are ready to be the sacred energy conductor…..
Today, this article is written to soften your mental barrier ONLY. There will be more REAL facts to share with you in the future.
This year I attracted cat to my presence a few times in Malaysia and one time in China while we were in the mid of dragon tracing.... amazing... This time, Allex Tan, Wai Loon, Bryan Ong, William Ng and Austin Loong were presence when we were at the Left Arm of the dragon formation....
Although you were present during this moment, yet, you might be knowing "nothing" more than the presence of the cat and stay with us for quite sometimes..... Probably you need to be more aware of your surrounding... because nothing is accident as long as metaphysic is concerned....
Time’s up… it is time for me to go into the jungle again….. see you….
When many people chose to stay back at home last weekend, some of my students had followed me for “dragon spot searching” workshop. We ventured into one mountain to another mountains. Most of the time we were in hilly areas or mountainous areas. At the end of the workshop, 2 students have experienced dragonic enhancement which shown clearly and obviously in their face (it sounds irrational but the persons who experience this know very well). The face becomes brighter and shining during the workshop. Moreover, this is very common scenario for masters who practice dragon spot searching…….
I have led them to a private-owned Dao Temple which is not open for public. It is located in a very rural and hilly site. It is purposedly built to be hidden from the public in order to acheive peaceful environment for Daoistic meditation. This is specifically meant for Daoism meditation in term of longevity. It is NOT a normal Chinese temple because it is associated with many mysterious elements and one of the element is about dragonic embrace with High Energy……One day, if you could reach this place, it means you are divinely selected few. ….
Daoism ( refers to real Taoist who knows the powerful Chinese Kundalili, meditation) always associates with dragon spot for Energy Enhancement. Daoism knows the secrets of Yijing易经, He Tu 河图 , Luoshu 洛书 and bagua八卦. By knowing the real secrets of Yijing and Dao, they are able to cultivate the inner qi and energy for health and longevity… In this world, that is only one religion promise long life or longevity….. Real Daoism…..
While a feng shui practitioner limits himself by luoshu and bagua for Qi estimation and culculation, a Real Daoist is able to “change” one’s physical condition to acheive health and longevity at the one hand, and get dragonic spot enhancement on the other hand.
This is 91 years old Daoist. She has renounced the world more than 40 years. By the age of 91 years old, she is healthy, she could walk "without" asistance, no hunchback, she is happy, relax, peaceful mind, crystal clear temperament, innocent and simple. She stay in the temple which is in a jungle and far away from the village, very rural. Villagers (fishermen and farmers come from a few kilometers away by motocycle to bring food supply to her)
Main points:
Below I attached an explanation how Taoist makes use of He Tu 河图 inner energy cultivation. Knowing the secret of He Tu, you will never be so scary of Five Yellow 五黄 in flying star system( one of feng shui school of thoughts)…. On the contrary, you might be able to know why and how I make use of Five Yellow 五黄…….
Penang Dragonic Mountain 2012. Many Malaysian Chinese Tycoons are very successful in capital of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur; yet, interestingly and coincidentally all of them same one particular commonality - namely Feng Shui Dragon in Penang....Master Soon
This is partial terrain map of Penang island, Malaysia. Penang is the place with the most concentrated Chinese population in Malaysia since 19th century. The only seat of Chief Minister for Chinese also is preserved in Penang State due to historical and political conditions. Penang is also the state and city of Malaysia where you could find many Chinese cultural heritages due to its historical background. Feng Shui sites and feng shui elements are part of Chinese heritages here.
This article is top draw your attention towards how the poor Chinese immigrants during 19th to Penang, making use of the Penang Dragon to raise up as Malaysian Chinese Tycoons in 20th – 21st century. Yap clan, Khoo clan(old generations know about these) for example are the prominent family in Penang in term of wealth, prosperity and size. Each and everyone of these families has their own ancestry hall or tombs respectively. Coincidentally, the similar symptom of these families or tycoons is : they are having either dragon embrace to ancesty graveyards, or, ancestry house(which always pass down from generation to generation).
In Kuala Lumpur, Low Yat Plaza is very famous and prominent. It is located within the Golden Triangle(the most expensive land in Malaysia) of Kuala Lumpur. Nevertheless, very less people aware that the family behind this giant business is traceable to Dragon in Penang island. ….
In this coming weekend, 14-15 April, we are going to explore those dragon vein in Penang. We could not create this kind of dragonic and auspicious energy in our house truly speaking. Nevertheless, we could proactively venture to those dragonic spots. By doing so and get nearer to natural dragonic force, it means you are putting your physical self into those dragonic influence….. this is very commom for traditional master to get his students to those places in order for instant healing and enhancement at personal level.
It is impossible to create dragonic energy inside a house by using feng shui formula. Yet, you could get this kind of energetic and positive enhancement by apporaching to this kind of dragonic spots physically.
In this case, we are NOT going to graveyard (in fact 90% of grave yards in Malaysia are NOT located in the correct dragon land formation). We are going to trace the dragon vein in “natural way”. Further information on this topic is preserved only for my students.
for reference, kindly click on http://www.mastersoon.com/2012/04/02/penang-dragon-spot-searching-camp-14-15-april-2012/