While you are reading/learning from this case study, kindly bear in mind that you are learning from a family who suffered from this incidence. You, become wiser and could avoid yourself and your beloved family members from this suffering; just simply because you learn FREELY from people’s suffering. Therefore, kindly be compassionate, kind hearted and loving while you are reading through this precious sharing.
In the same way, by sharing this suffering to warn the mass, therefore, the merit, good deed and good karma should go back to the family of this case study 愿此功德回响给这家庭. May this family be happy and healthy in year 2013.
While I was in China for Nov-Dec Business Feng Shui Invitation, I received an email from a Singaporean as below.
As it was a personal health, I would only be able to share those information I find appropriate and relevant ONLY.
Feng Shui Problem of Research: The wife felt stomach pain since years ago and suffered from Digestive System Related Function.
Feng Shui as in Time Continuum Perspective ( as I always call it as Cosmantics 天道)
1) Year : Ren Chen 壬辰 ,Month:Xin Hai 辛亥
2)Chinese Zodiac :yyyy, xxxx ( is P & C as it is vitally important)
3)Bazi of each members : aaaa, bbbb, cccc. ( This is P & C as it is vitally important)
Feng Shui as in Space Continuum Perspective ( as I always call it as Geomantics 地道 )
1)In sector of the wife (SW) there was a sign of ” intestine obstruction”… the sign was with a few “coloured” obstruction emblems as below.
2) In wife sector(SW), there was an incense burner (active).
3) Too many potted plants at wife sector(SW).
I think those who study Yijing know that SW is the sector of the wife. So, 1-3 as above are a general feng shui points…. By knowing the year of birth, I told the husband that since we have known that SW is having many feng shui mistakes, so logically this happens to the wife. On top of this, since the wife is born in xxxx, Chinese Zodiac is XXX, therefore, let let draw out the floor plan and plot the 24 sections correctly. I told the husband that based on the wife BAZI, I could predict that you must have kept something unwanted (related to symbol of intestine, since the wife suffered from stomach pain) at 3 sub-sectors at your house. There were namely, SE(1), SW(3) and N(2)… “Let us just bring out the floor and plot the chat and see whether I am correct or not?” I told the husband.
Amazingly, we have checked out 3 sub-sectors: SE(1)辰 , SW(3)申 and N(2)子, and we found out almost the same things with same looks with same function as below
1) Bundles of unwanted/unused computer wires were at SE(1)辰 and N(2)子
SE(1) 辰was a table. N(2)子 was an enclosed cabinet in a room
N (2) 子was filled with Bundles of unwanted wire obstructed in a cabinet in a room. In fact all these bundles were dug out by the husband once we referred to the floor plan.
Incense Burner was located at SW3申, sector of monkey corresponding to Year of Dragon and produced as abdominal pain, the North, trigram of Kan坎.
When incense is activated in sector of Monkey then, Chen Chen Self Punishment 辰辰自刑 is indirectly ON. Self Punishment means medical operation, accident or negative emotional fluctuation. It was proven the wife …… unfortunately.
Based on BAZI in accordance to Traditional Chinese Medicine : 甲胆乙肝丙小肠,丁心戊胃己脾乡; 庚属大肠辛属肺,壬属膀胱癸肾藏
We know that N1 is bladder, N2 is abdominal area in general and N3 is kidney, while W1 is intestine.
Obstruction of the intestine became more serious in Nov , month of Hai Nov , because Hai 亥 is big water and it was obstructed and caused severe pain to the wife.
In month of Oct Geng Xu 庚戌, sign of pain started due to Oct Geng was corresponding to W1 where the husband showed me the item (symbol of intestine knot) as below. Coincidently, we also found an umbrella with the symbol of “Knife” at W1 庚 under Dui 兑 metal – knife sector.
Xu 戌 of the Geng Xu 庚戌 is Anti-Grand Duke. Confronting Anti grand Duke by Samurai….. metaphysically, this was sign of challenging. What kind of challenge? It was a challenge by “SAMURAI” and corresponded to intestine as below.
Years of practical fieldwork, it is convincingly to conclude that the market driven XKFS flying stars system is a faked feng shui formula……. even the XKDG Xuan Kong Da Gua also be misunderstood by many market driven feng shui practitioner.
What are essence in feng shui are
1) individual Bazi
2) Ba Gua in a thorough and REAL understanding
3) 24 Mountains subdivision ( Grid chart is FAKED method and makes many practitioners confused until today)
4) 64 hexagrams in through and REAL conceptualization and meterialization
5) Sensitivity of Your SOUL as a REAL MASTER
Health is a major part of feng shui. Feng is wind, Shui is water. These 2 elements are soft and invisible yet have a huge impart of life. Based on this, when a physical material or item (vertical) is being put at certain sector (horizontal) , and when time continuum strikes on it, the interconnectivity of time-spatial takes place…. without your conscience…..
In this case, doctor had to removed the effected part of the intestinal obstruction. According to the doctor, if this case was only be referred to hospital late by one month, which was Dec Ren Zi 壬子, then, it would post serious danger to the life. (practitioner should know why)
Luckily, due to love to his wife, the husband instantly sent her beloved wife for a through medical treatment without hesitant. In this case, love for the wife rescued a life. Honestly, this is power of love, the power of a dutiful and sensitive husband to take good care the wife and finally saved the wife. This is the act of Humantics, ethics , Law of Man 人道.
Last but not least, let me send our wishing and blessing to this family in Singapore. May this family be in good health and happy in year 2013. May all positive vibration be with this family.
Master Soon
email : master@mastersoon.com
Mobile : +6012 560 3333