Feng Shui Audit in China Feb 2012. This is a Chinese Painting. Chinese Painting always comes with Chinese Calligraphy.

Malaysia Metaphysician Master SOON
International Feng Shui Master 国际易经玄学老师
Feng Shui Audit in China Feb 2012. This is a Chinese Painting. Chinese Painting always comes with Chinese Calligraphy.
In China, a feng shui master is expected to prove himself in practical work in order to their RESPECT. Based on 2 items in the room, it is easy to tell your business condition..... Instant and Accurate.....
Let’s talk about some of my feng shui audit in China, Feb 2012. China is the birth place of Feng Shui acknowledge which has been spreaded to many countries today. Mainland Chinese are living in the culture of feng shui and they experience and enjoy the core value of feng shui. Compared to oversea, the demand of feng shui in mainland China is much higher, the people here are more informed of Yijing, Daoism and also application of feng shui. All clienteles are very “CHINESE”, very “Yijing”, very “Yin Yang”, very “dynamic” and very “creative”.
What I try to tell you is that ” they are not ignorant like a blank paper about feng shui. You are dealing with the people who have been living side by side with FENG SHUI for thousand of years….. The content of their feng shui demand is “wide & deep” in term of culture, history, politics and social relationship and symbolic traits. I am very thankful that I had gone through CHINESE education since my primary school….. and I could assure you that NON CHINESE educated feng shui master is going to face various huge obstacles here in mainland China due to ignorance of culture, language, social interaction and etc… Among all obstacles, your command of Chinese language (refer to Chinese Classics) shows the Length, Width, Height, Depth of your Chinese Metaphysical WISDOM (where feng shui is part of Chinese Wisdom)
When they talked about “司马昭之心,路人皆知“, you should be correspond accordingly….. when they said”身在曹营心在汉” should be aware of something….. If you could understand effectivekly and isntantly, you are instant cut off from deeper communication with Mainland Chinese…… Back to South East Asia and even India, people are more vulnerable to FAKED feng shui …….
In this case, I was invited by a boss who is Chinese culture enthusiast. He is collector of Chinese Painting and Chinese Calligraphy. Socially, you are requested to commend on paints and calligraphy. This is the way how Chinese evaluate how far you command about Chinese philosophy…… ( paintings and calligraphies carry the wisdom of Yijing & Daoism)….. ….
Now, if you apply xuan kong玄空 or san he 三合 to read and justify those Chinese Paintings and Calligraphies…. you are going to make yourself a joker then…. …. Brothers and sisters, Having knowledge of San Yuan and San He are important, but NOT enough to understand the TRUTH fully….
Based on item A and item B, I told the owner that : ” Apparently your business looks good. However, your hardwork (item A) is wasted (item B)….This means you work so hard, you have prospects, however, you COULD NOT convert those prospects to be your customers (spend money to buy)…… You have walk-in prospects but they do not buy…. most of the walk in prospects are with political background…..
The Boss replied immediately:” yes, most of them are government officers…. Master Soon, let us have a good dinner and I would like to get your professional feng shui consultation……..
This feng shui excursion started from 16 Oct and ended on 24 Oct 2011. It covered huge areas; from Beijing – Tianjin – Hebei – Qing Eastern Tomb – and all feng shui sites in Beijing. Besides Feng Shui, local culture is also a major part of the study.
We believe that practical and real feng shui site study make you an all rounded feng shui practitioner. Study on the commercial aspect and cultural aspect play an impoartant role in this trip.
This is to inform the readers that I am back and more info will be posted soon…..
Master Soon reporting from Beijing
email : master @mastersoon.com
Establishing Heaven Heart (天心十道) is the very basic land form observation in dragon spot expedition. It is just the basic of all feng shui knowledge whether indoor or outdoor feng shui. In my land form training workshop to my students, they have to pass through this final dragon spotting expedition examination in main land China.
If you could read Chinese, kindly refer to some basic defination as below for Establishing Heaven Heart (天心十道)
Practically, Establishing Heaven Heart (天心十道) is conceptualized as the natural alignment of dragon formation. In fact, I was standing at the alignment of the dragon formation. This dragon belong to a Chinese General of Army during the civil war between Mainland China and Taiwan in 1940s….. Today, 4 of his sons are scientists and holding citizenship of United States. The rest of the offsprings spread in various ranking ministerial post in China.
To me, we don’t simply take any feng shui formula lightly. All of my students are trained to test all feng shui formula in REAL feng shui site with historic values and tracable track records. We have a lot of these kind of historical sites in China and Taiwan. It is meant for verification of FAKE and REAL feng shui by historical proven fieldwork.
The effective tester for FAKE feng shui is DRAGON SPOT. The fake feng shui has no place to hide when reaching the dragon spot. Becasue you may find many so -called formula(s) are going against the dragon spot formation….
In our training, the students must climb up the hill until reaching the tomb of the genneral. (this is historical proven effective dragon spot). When you are on top, then, at that moment you will start to understand what is real dragon and real feng shui…. Naturally, you logic would help you to identify which are fake feng shui formula…..
As usual, I have a few questions as below
Kindly explain what are the significants of A, B and C ? what is the usage ? Perhaps you could refer to 地理人须知 Di Li Ren Xu Zhi for some ideas……
While I was preparing teaching material for my next coming class of feng shui module 1 (Sunday and Monday, 01&02 May 2011) at my office on 24th April (Sunday), Mr. Y called me up. He was with his wife went to Balik Pulau for Durian. Along the way back home, he saw my car in front of my Sunway Tunas office and decided to call me for dinner. During our dinner in Japanese restaurant at Sunway Tunas, he invited me again to his office for feng shui review.
Who is Mr Y ?
Mr Y, was the boss of a factory whom engaged my feng shui service 4 months ago, in December 2010. You may click to this article for memory recall, http://www.mastersoon.com/2010/12/30/factory-office-feng-shui.
How was the feng shui result? The result was very positive
You may log in to this for further information about the effectiveness of feng shui. http://www.mastersoon.com/2011/02/20/feng-shui-result-oriented-testimonial-in-2-weeks.
On the other hand, the report about feng shui result as per the 4th months after the activation is as below:
The figures above were given personally by Mr.Y. on 25th April 2011 when I paid his factory for the 3rd visit within 4 months.
Sales Volume Increament Analysis
The company is very Selective in term of quality of the customers/prospects. The sales team is instructed only sell and deliver goods to good pay masters. I told the boss, Mr Y, that by right from my experience of feng shui audits, there should be minimum 30% increament of sales. Mr.Y told me that they have rejected many sales enquiries due to their policies. Therefore, the % of the sales increament was purposely suppressed by the company.(it could grow even better)
Debt Collection Increament Analysis
The Debtors numbers and periods has been reduced tremendously at MINIMUM 25% as reported by Mr Y.
Feng Shui Magical Steps Being Performed for Sales Increment
White Magic being Performed for Sales Increment
Feng Shui Steps For Bad Debts Collection
White Magic For Debts Collection
Master Soon Performed Daoistic Feng Shui, which is, very different from formula based feng shui theories. Different problem needs different methodology.... in this case, I performed method which is non-traditional, non-conventional.... nothing to with market-driven feng shui.....
Professional Feng Shui Conclusions:
After feng shui audit we went to Auto City, Juru of Penang to have our delicious chinese food in Shelaiton Restaurant…..
We spent about 60 mins to enjoy the food. Then, I depart for second feng shui audit at Butterworth in the afternoon session…..
It was about 9pm when I left Butterworth for Penang Island…
This is my daily activities as a full time metaphysician in Malaysia…..
Date :22 May 2011 – 28 May 2011
Time:9am – 6pm
All participants and me will be departing for Guangzhou on 22 May 2011 at Penang International Airport. This is an exclusive feng shui study tour for students from Oriental Wisdom Metaphysic Academy.
A thorough feng shui programs has been nicely programmed. After the official training, participants are free to go and to have their leisure time.
日期:2011年5月22日 – 2011年5月28日
时间:早上9点 – 下午6点
参加者将会投入一系列的地理风水考察活动. 在所有正规活动结束后,学员可以自由活动,享受休闲的生活.
This is a typical feng shui case for career advancement feng shui activation… The owners, the couples’ data of birth were identified. The feng shui audit was conducted in such a way to pinpoint feng shui erors one by one, from ground floor to 2rd floor.
这又是一个典型催旺个人事业风水的档案.事主是一对夫妻,将两人的生辰八字给与本人. 如同往常,这次也是将每个风水弊病逐个点破给他们再分析三层不同风水好坏给他们了解。
Amazingly, we had identified a few places of their home which also symbolize the respective birth data. That particular places were so weak in term of feng shui. During 90 mins feng shui consultation, the couples turned to believe from doubt, that, their home feng shui also has caused their career set back. Why? simply becasue I have pointe out facts with refering to their particular pyhsical house quandrants and sectors, which also in line with their current luck. Of course, always I have solid solution to their feng shui problems.
很巧妙的,我发现到相应他们两人八字的家居位置上就偏偏有毛病. 从风水上来说,那是弱势八字风水. 在这90分钟的风水询问过程,这对开始对风水半信半疑的心态;在发现到家里具体某方位的确是气场不好,同感身受,转变成信服风水。
This is an international trading company. This company exports a lots of China’s products to the world. The GM invited me to audit one of his branch. I use Yijing to predict and San Yuan + San He to audit this branch.
这是一间中国国际贸易公司。此国际公司代理许多各种中国产品,向世界推销中国货。总经理邀我为其中一间分行勘查鉴定风水。在这种盛情邀请之下,使我也热情地应用易经给改公司卜卦、并采用三元+三合风水来把脉. 该说的我就全盘托出、不该说得就点到为此.