You house feng shui is bad. Because there are 2 big missing corners at #1 and #8 according to demarcation of grid chart as below. This is common comment you could find in the feng shui industry. However, this is not a common comment, but a common feng shui error.
你家的风水不好。因为根据九宫格的划分,你家在#1 和 #8 方位有两大缺角(下图所示)。这是你在风水市场经常听到的风水评论。然而,这不是风水评论,而是一般性的风水错误。
Nine Grid Chart could be used to explain feng shui; but cannot be used for feng shui practicality and application. Because there are 2 reasons;
- the essence of feng shui, which is Qi, does not move rigidly within a box/grid; but rather move dynamically and irregularly.
- assuming that Qi would stay stagnantly within a box/grid is TOTALLY against “Qi” principle
- 风水的元素-气的运行不是僵硬的“方块式”, 而是不规律而多变的。
- 设想气会凝固于一个格子里是绝对背弃了风水“气”的理论。
Wrong method would eventually lead to wrong conclusion. Grid Chart method would always lead to “Missing Corner” identification. It leads you to FOCUS on “Missing Corner” and exaggerate the weakness. In the end, it makes you feel sorry for your “missing corner” where in actual fact IT IS NOT the case.
For example, there are 5 missing corners according to grid chart. Yet, in actual fact those 5 missing corners are rigidly created by superimposing of the grid chart. Those 5 missing corners have very minimum effect on you, because you do move within the built-up area, but do not fly in the air of the missing corners.
错误的方法导致错误的结论。九宫格经常导入误区——过于强调“缺角”和夸大“缺角”的严重性。最后导致风水误断。比如下图以九宫格来看风水的结论就是 :5 个 缺角。现实上,这5个所谓的缺角是人为画出来,对你的影响非常小。因为你是在屋内活动,不在5个缺角上”天马行空”。
Instead of identifying missing corner, the focus should be within built-in area for feng shui empowerment. There are 2 steps :
- Identification of power corner based on original physical structure and layout.
- Identification of power corner after structural change (due to renovation and interior design)
与其浪费心血于“缺角” 不如寻找具体室内的高风水能量的角落,共分两大类 :
- 具体室内原始高风水能量角落
- 室内装修之后的高风水能量角落
A, B and C are 3 samples for power corner based on original physical structure and layout. It is much useful and benefitting to utilize these 3 power corners(positive), rather than feel sorry (remedy) for the missing corners(negative).
A, B 和 C 是 三个具体室内原始高风水能量角落之例子。将风水功夫下在这3个角落 ,远比去抢救那5个“缺角”更加有风水智慧和效果。
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