Engage Master Soon :
- Email: master @mastersoon.com
- Mobile: +6012 560 3333
Malaysia Metaphysician Master SOON
International Feng Shui Master 国际易经玄学老师
On 23rd April 2011, I met up a young couple (who I audited their first house 10 months ago) at Fettes Residence Super Condo, Tanjung Tokong.
Who is this young couple? This is the couple who reported to see the instant feng shui result in 7 days. Kindly refer to http://www.mastersoon.com/2010/07/21/feng-shui-result-in-7-days/After 10 months, they are Financially ready to buy one more unit Fettes Residence at Tanjung Tokong, Penang. The current market price per unit is RM 1,100,000/-. Please be reminded that this is a young couple below 32 years old, Chinese origin. Currently, they stay in Condo at Rxxx area which the market price is from RM700,000/- – RM 800,000/-, an area with concentration of Penang middle income group.
The reason why they are ready to invest one more unit is, simply, they are financially comfortable after 10 months. It is a strange example for a couple below 32 years to buy for the 2nd house(RM 1.1Million) less than one year , This is very rare in Penang and almost impossible in Penang for a young couple. However, this happens to my customer after 10 months of my feng shui activation . The reason they come back to me for further investment consultation (pre-purchase feng shui consultation) is due to satisfactory on their first house feng shui done by me in Ratu Mutiara, Tanjung Bunga, Penang.
I performed the metaphysical enhancement in their first house 10 months ago. What kind of magical steps and feng shui had been performed which leads to Financial Upgrading are as below:
The Feng Shui Steps I performed During renovation for the first condo unit, only one method, namely Xuan Kong Da Gua (Master Soon Version)
a) XKDG Method (Master Soon Version) – Quote from the Classic Text as below
《 阳从左边团团转,阴从右路转相通 》 What I do – is to tap FULLY as what had been decribed by This XKDG classic.
All of these kind of feng shui enhancements are almost absent / disappear in modern feng shui class teaching. Yet, These methodology is very powerful and positive result is the only answer if you know these methods…….
Date :22 May 2011 – 28 May 2011
Time:9am – 6pm
All participants and me will be departing for Guangzhou on 22 May 2011 at Penang International Airport. This is an exclusive feng shui study tour for students from Oriental Wisdom Metaphysic Academy.
A thorough feng shui programs has been nicely programmed. After the official training, participants are free to go and to have their leisure time.
日期:2011年5月22日 – 2011年5月28日
时间:早上9点 – 下午6点
参加者将会投入一系列的地理风水考察活动. 在所有正规活动结束后,学员可以自由活动,享受休闲的生活.
2011年3月24日, 在马来西亚风水师,Moonchin 先生带领下,印尼风水师 Gunadi Widjaja, 还有Mr Goh 和 Mr. Chin 到我槟城的办事处来拜访兼聚会。 他们的到来让我感到荣幸,我也热情的招待诸位访客。
我们各抒己见、百花齐放…. 论《风水》 大谈《易经》…..
印尼风水师 Gunadi Widjaja 是个实力的风水师,思想清晰,理论与实践并重,在印尼也有许多顾客群,口碑不错。
马拉西亚风水师 Moonchin 风水功夫扎实,有多年的风水经验. 在马来西亚也有名气,口碑不错。
Mr Goh 和 Mr Chin 也学习风水多年.
Gunadi 的思维开阔、Moonchin的内涵、Mr Goh 和Mr Chin 的谦虚,都值得风水同道学习学习…….
In 24th March 2011, Master Moonchin (from Malaysia) led a few feng shui master and enthusiasts to pay me a visit in my Penang Office. We discuss of many issues related to feng shui and Yijing…. current situation of feng shui applications….
Gunadi Widjaja, is a feng shui master from Indonesia. He is talented but polite. His thoughts is clear and he is gifted in feng shui knowledge; well respected in Indonesia and he has a lot of feng shui customers and supporters in Indonesia.
Moonchin, a well known and respected feng shui master in Malaysia…. A very polite and humble feng shui master. He has many years of feng shui experience and a very practical feng shui master.
Mr Goh and Mr Chin are from Malaysia… their spirit in learning is respected. I would say two of them are gentlemen…
Basically, we have a very warm and friendly discussion…
The Pearl River Delta Region (PRD)珠江三角洲 (also known as Zhujiang River) in South China has become one of the leading economic regions in China. Just a step from Hong Kong, the Pearl River Delta is the perfect feng shui place to start exploring the secrets of China’s resurgence. The Pearl River, in China’s sub-tropical south, connects three of the Far East’s most exciting destinations – Hong Kong, Macau and Guangzhou province (formerly Canton). The PRD covers nine prefectures of Guangdong Province, namely Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Dongguan, Zhongshan, Foshan, Huizhou (only include Zhaoqing City, Gaoyao and Sihui), HongKong and Macau.
中国南部珠江三角洲自八十年代开放以来已经在经济邻域崛起。要了解广东省的经济崛起的风水秘密,就要探索与揭开珠江三角洲的风水面纱. 珠江三角洲面积涵盖香港、澳门和广州与周边城市. 它也保括深圳、珠海、东莞、佛山、惠州等.
Since China’s opening to the outside world in 1980s, the economy in the Pearl (Zhujiang) River Delta (PRD) has been double digit growth,one of the top three in term economic growth in China. It has been known as one of mature fast growth areas in the world and become the model and the hope of China’s reform and opening to outside world. Since the 1990s, driven by knowledge-based economy, the PRD has further adjusted the industrial structure and achieved good progress in upgrading the industrial structures. Its high technology industry has developed quickly and the economic internationalization has deepened, meanwhile, the region is going through transformation and some new trends have begun to appear, including the rise of university towns, industrial globalization and the construction of Hi-tech development zones.
自八十年代经济开放改革以来,珠江三角洲就以双位数经济增长率,位居中国增长率前三名,也是他国城市模仿的对像、也是世界的商品展销会的热门选择. 近期开始往高素质经济方向发展.
Hong Kong, the Pearl of Orient, was very famous in 1980s. However, today, we hear more news and activities in Guangzhou rather than Hong Kong. Hong Kong was so powerful in term of economy before 1997. Today, the fame of Hong Kong is fading…..China, as the birth place of feng shui and now is ruled by China Communist Party. Apparently, the government of China bans the use of feng shui. Nevertheless, if you go deeper and deeper into Mainland China, you will be having another opinion about feng shui application in China.
香港,东方之珠,是八十年代和九十年代初期世界闻名的城市。然而, 今天我们跟多时听到的是广州的消息、新闻以及各种多样的商业活动. 97年之前,香港的确是经济强大的城市. 今日今时,香港的荣耀不在、经济能力已经给大陆各大城市抛在后面。 表面上,中国政府不鼓励地理风水运用,然而如果你深入了解中国各层各面,你肯定会有不同的见解。
This is an international trading company. This company exports a lots of China’s products to the world. The GM invited me to audit one of his branch. I use Yijing to predict and San Yuan + San He to audit this branch.
这是一间中国国际贸易公司。此国际公司代理许多各种中国产品,向世界推销中国货。总经理邀我为其中一间分行勘查鉴定风水。在这种盛情邀请之下,使我也热情地应用易经给改公司卜卦、并采用三元+三合风水来把脉. 该说的我就全盘托出、不该说得就点到为此.
It has been a norm to work after dinner … in China. It seems that the people of China are so hard working. So, after dinner, we started to work…. I was brought by one of my students to her beauty salon. The temperature of the nite was so cooling, about 12-15 degree celcius ….. Leading a group of 10-12 students… we went to this beauty salon. Basically, I have no idea about the business performance at the begining. However, after 5 minutes I told the owner that ” Your business is NOT good as feng shui arrangement is meant for MONEY LEAKING.漏财局
在中国,似乎晚饭后再看风水是一个大家能够接受的活动. 也许这也告诉我们中国人民是发奋图强的民族。所以,改天我也在饭后就受邀到其中一位学员的美容店铺勘查风水。随我去的人大约有十来个。天气是凉爽的 大概在 12-15度. 起初,学员业主也没对我说什么,所以我本人对学员店铺生意好坏是不知情的。 然而,在勘查风水5分钟后我马上对该学员业主说“您的生意不好,因为你店铺的风水是个破财局。”
My examination on this fieldwork showed that this was the work of xuan kong flying star method 玄空飞星法. The owner showed me the chart and it is confirmed that the feng shui was based on xuan kong flying star. Originally, the business was extremely good. 6 months ago, the boss decided to expend from 1 lot of shop house to 2 lots of shop houses. Based on the previous feng shui master, the door was tilted… the water pond was specifically located. However, business is getting harder and harder…. In fact, from my fieldwork, this is NOT the first case study for xuan kong flying star FAILURE. From China to South East Asia to India and to Europe, I have seen too many of this kind of failures which are mostly done based on xuan kong flying stars……
实地考察证明这店铺之前是采用玄空飞星法来布风水局。业主拿风水图出来,这也证明之前的风水是玄空飞星. 过去六年,生意非常好.为了应付日益增加的客户源,业主于六个月前决定扩大大约双倍店铺面积,就凭清风水师勘查后装修.大门方向明显被刻意处理,水源刻意锁定在某方位。 然而,六个月来,生意经营每况愈下,业主深感吃力. 脑海里在想着转行. (半年前信心满满,风水布局后且打击信心,这是明显的反风水效应的) 这不是第一玄空飞星风水的失败案例。我在中国,印度,东南亚和欧洲,屡见不鲜.