周末了,在上好风水的地方养生. 其实 从事风水这行业的确给我遨游世界各地,感恩天地. Today is weekend. It is time for relaxing and self-rejuvenating. In fact, feng shui career has brought me to various part of the world.... thanks to feng shui career....
做了那么长时间的风水顾问,难得又到了周末,就给自己一个好风水的地方修身养气。 今天就把自己藏在这风水宝地。 这地方也是中国高层干部休闲的地方。中国国家领导基本上都有上好的中医给他们指导养生之道,这也可以从领导高寿这角度看到一二。 无论如何,下榻这地方的确是上上策。
我这地方前有一个清翠的池塘,远有星峰来朝. 请问看官对这峦头风水之星峰有何见解?
After long duration of giving feng shui consultation, I decided to take a rest for self rejuvenating this weekend. This is a very good feng shui place to stay in China. This place is also one of the retreat selection for China’s high ranking political leaders. China’s top political leaders have their own Chinese Traditional Medicine Practitioner for personal health consultation…. you can see most of the top political leaders of China are having long life span…. Anyway, my decision to stay at this place is Correct.
In front, you can see there is a pond. No far away, there is a special featured mountain standing high. Can you tell us your opinion about this kind of land form feng shui?