- If The Four Pillars of Lichun立春四柱 is the window for you to see the global/international outlook, then Malayan Tiger based on Hari Merdeka(31 Aug 1957 @ 00:00 am) could give you a sharp glimpse on Malaysia Destiny Outlook.
- According to the chart of Hari Merdeka, 2024 is the Final Year for Malayan Tiger Power(2015-2024) 壬寅大運.
- Malaysia will become much less powerful & less influential after enjoying 40 years of NON-STOP socio-economic growth by 2025.
- The year 2024 is the Final Year for the Malayan Tiger to express her remaining power, just before SUNSET.
- Ren Water(2015-2024) which is Gorgeous Water/Tsunami Water, signifying the MOST unstable politics since Independence in 1957.
- Proof?
- General Election 2018 buried the hegemonic power of UMNO since 1957,
- 3 Prime Ministers within 1 term(5 years)
- Anwar becomes Prime Minister in 2022 after more than 2 decades of political struggle
- It is very rare for a Malayan tiger to kill 3 humans within 1 month(as reported below) 老虎發兇
- Something is fishy for Malaysia Destiny to be taken note of as it happened during The Beginning of Winter 立冬; less than 2 months before 2024.
- Coincidently, 2024 is the Final Year of the Malayan Tiger Luck Cycle(2015-2024)
- From a global perspective, The chart based on Lichun立春四柱八字 is relatively relevant.
- For Malaysia Destiny Outlook, the chart based on Hari Merdeka is more practical.
- If the Global Outlook 2024(立春) is quite negative(may discuss later on) then what is in store for Malaysians based on Hari Merdeka?
- Malaysia Destiny 2024 based on Hari Merdeka is not positive either.
- Rather, we expect the law of the jungle(lawlessness)森林法則 will be adopted in many industries and sectors.
- The enforcement of the law is relatively loosening & this enables the strongest(fiercest) to stand out and the weaker will be defeated 弱肉強食 Survival of the Fittest.
- In terms of businesses and industries, ethics and morals are no longer applicable. scams, cheating, deceptions, double dealings, cons, etc… are becoming more common.
- Meaning to say, there will be more room for Grey areas and less for Black and white clear-cut.
- A Year when the Laws and Ethics are Marginalized ( if you are one of them) for maximum profits.
How to tap Malaysia Destiny into your Personal BaZi to the optimum?
Stay Tuned
Master Soon
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