Malaysia and Singapore share a similar climate, tropical climate…. While we just passed our month of ghost, now, South East Asia Chinese are celebrating another up coming festival – Mid Autumn Festival/ Lantern Festival 中秋节.
Due to geographical location and the change of the Monsoon season, Malaysia and Singapore are usually having raining days and wet weather during Sep, Oct and Nov…. This is only happens in Singapore and Malaysia. Therefore, our Feng Shui date selection and enhancement of feng shui always been adjusted accordingly…. That is the reason I always insist that feng shui master in South East Asia SHOULD NOT follow feng shui old classic date selection
BLINDLY, simply because Malaysia and Singapore are not located in East Asia like Taiwan and Mainland China. Malaysia and Singapore do not have 4 seasons, but only Dry season and Raining Season.
At Personal level, I do always consider the unique factor of local weather into feng shui activation. Malaysia and Singapore , are very much influenced by 2 Monsoon Seasons, namely North East Monsoon and South West Moonsoon. These 2 monsoons shapes the wind blow direction and the quantity of the rain in these 2 countries. In Short, these 2 Monsoons determine the direction of Wind and the quantity of Water., Wind and Water are the main factors of feng shui.
MONSOON is the unique feng shui factor in Malaysia and Singapore, you need to consider for effective feng shui enhancement.
This year is year of Snake… In Chinese Compass, Snake is associated with Xun trigram, which means Wind.…. When rain Water comes, Snake becomes active and rejuvenated….. September, month of Yao(Rooster) Si You Cou becomes Three Harmony….. Peninsular Malaysia is a shape of Snake Head ….. Just to name a few Why I prescribe to you
Make Sure you do something for your feng shui to benefit your wealth, health and family harmony……. Nevertheless, this is only effective this year in those countries effected by Monsoon, which are Malaysia and Singapore ONLY.
If you have activated your business/home feng shui since last weekend, by now, you should have seen many good and positive signs are coming to your way….
If you are businessman, you should have seen sign of business improvement provided that you feng shui is adjusted correctly in September 2013.
Besides, you only have approximately 3 more months to go before 2014. This means you only have 25% of days to improve yourself, to prepare yourself before year of 2014……
Are you ready for improvement in year 2014? If you are, then, you need to take action NOW, tap to this 25% residue for doubling positive effect next year…
I am busy with many appointment in Malaysia-Singapore-China nowadays…. Why? just because I know how to integrate local Monsoon (Wind & Water) to invigorate my house feng shui energy….. Because I know very well I am living in tropical feng shui……
One of reason you fail your home feng shui terribly simply due to your ignorance of blind believing in FAKED feng shui.
How to justify REAL and FAKED feng shui? Easy…. Faked feng shui causes you failure in your life….
REAL feng shui brings you Success, Love, Confidence, Respect, Honor and Money… just like ME.
These few days, my emails, What Apps, Wetchat, are overwhelmed by so many feng shui enquiries…..
Why? Because Great Mind Thinks Alike, Great Success Takes Action in Advanced… Great Man Takes Wise Apporach…
How About you…? To Improve your life overall performance…
Contact or call 6012 560 3333