- To what extent was WHAT had happened in your past determined by DESTINY?
- Are your current social advantages/disadvantages and career condition determined by your PAST background and experiences accumulated so far?
- Yes, to the largest extent. Then you are highly agreeable that DESTINY shapes you life silently/soundlessly!
- Do you see the drastic contrasts/differences/ distinctions/dissimilarities/inequalities among lower income group/medium income group/high income group?
- Yes, you do. It is so obvious in your daily life.
- And most importantly, you are part of the game under the name of DESTINY.
- Cancer and accident strike anytime WITHOUT reasonable and logical medical explanation and far beyond contemporary scientific comprehension.
- There are 4 categories/factors of people how they see DESTINY
- Karma Factor – Everlasting Action Accountability Transcends Multiple Life Cycles.
- God Factor – EVERYTHING is under the Will of God the Almighty.
- Satan Factor – Satan is the God of This World.
- Me Factor – There is no God/Satan/Karma but ME only. So “Me” can kill/terminate whoever block my way.
- If Almighty God(God Factor) is FULLY in charge, why there are so many innocent people suffer from starvation, tortures, rapes or being killed in Middle East?
- It is more reasonable for rational mind to subscribe to Satan Factor to explain what is going on whenever there is killing/raping/torturing/war/battle in human history; if you assume that there is no reincarnation.
- If you proclaim that Almighty God is Fully in-charge of this world; then are you telling us that God is Satan?
- 到底“命运”对于你过去生命中所发生的一切拥有什么程度的绝对影响?
- 你目前社会有利/无利的条件和事业环境是受到你过去的背景和经验累积的左右?
- 是的,在很大程度上是如此的。那么, 你也就是承认了“命运” 在你不知不觉中影响了你。
- 你是否看到低收入群体、中等收入群体和高收入群体之间的严重差距?
- 是的,你有。这差距是活生生的存在于你每天的生活中。
- 关键的是你也这场命运游戏的一部分。
- 绝症和意外随时可以击打人类;没有逻辑医学可以解释,因为它超越了目前科学的理解范围。
- 对于命运的看法;一般有4中归类 :
- 因果决定论 – 多生多世的个人果报;前世种什么 今生得什么!
- 上帝决定论 – 全能的神主导人间的一切。因为上帝是至高无上的。
- 魔鬼决定论 – 魔鬼是世界的王;时间一切都归他管。
- 自我决定论 – 我命由我不由天。“我” 决定一切。见神杀神,见鬼杀鬼。
- 如果全能的上帝(上帝决定论)是世界的绝对掌权者,为何有那么多的中东无辜的老百姓惨遭饥饿、拷打、奸辱、杀害呢?
- 相对理智的人会认同魔鬼绝定论来解释人类历史上所有的屠杀/奸辱/虐待/战争;如果你认为没有因果轮回。
- 当你宣称全能的上帝是世间的至高掌权者;那么,你是否在告诉我们上帝既是魔鬼?
《东方智慧》Oriental Wisdom – Master Soon
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