Based on your information : 19xx / xx / 23rd / 2.15pm /Kuala Lumpur
WITHOUT Prejudice,
Let’s start with Basic Information as Below
Year Pillar 年柱 : (Public Self)
Month Pillar 月柱: (Emotional Self)
Day Pillar 日柱: (Inner Self)
Time Pillar 时柱: (Hidden Self)
- There are 4 Femininity/Softness 阴性 and NO Masculinity/Fitness 阳性. The overall energy of your BaZi is Yin, Soft, Feminine and Inward-Oriented. 阴。
- You have 1 rooster, 2 goats and 1 snake. 3 of them are domesticated animals while snake is wild animal.
- You nature 3/4=75% tameable and obedient; but 1/4=25% wild and untameable
- You are perceived by public as cool but poisonous and dangerous like a snake; yet, this is very contrast from your internal nature which is soft like rooster and goat.
- In the public, you could be perceived as bright person like candle light 丁火 but with high potential threat like a snake in the wilderness. It is a mixture of both positive and negative image you have in the public. Nevertheless you are cool and patient just like a snake, but as brilliant as a candle in the public.
- Emotionally & sensationally, you are as soft, neutral, dormant and rigid as the EARTH. People see you as rigid and inexpressive. Yet, you are timely to make yourself clear at suitable time just like 鸡鸣叫,有其特定的时间。You know when and where to hit at the right time. 一鸣惊四方。
- Your Inner self is a soft goat under the drizzle / rain 雨中漫步的羔羊. It means you are in the open space / wilderness rather than locked inside the Sheepyard 羊栏. You do not like to be domesticated or to be ruled under rules and regulations. You prefer to be free rather to be trapped; although the price for the freedom could be the “danger” in the wilderness. Yet, you rather to be wanderer/traveller and exposing to the threat;instead to stay in sheep yard.
- Your Hidden self is a soft goat in the open land. There is pasture and food for this goat. The goat enjoys the vastness and the openness of the open land with pasture.
- By largest extent(75%) you are not as aggressive and dangerous(25%) as portrayed by your outer characteristic or public assumptions. You are subtle, fine and nice as elaborated as above.
- All 4 animal signs above(2 goats,rooster and snake) are quiet and silent. 你是文静之人。
- In the public, you are a bright and shining person like candle light 丁火.
- Yet, snake is a secretive and non-communicative animal. Hence, people may find you a bit weird and abnormal.
- You are a person with very strong characteristic where you tend to go on your own way.
- Snake, by right should be wet and watery. Yet, yours is brilliantly shining.
- Rooster should stay in the cage, but your rooster is running wild in the open field.
- Sheep is NOT inside the sheep yard but under the rain.
- Goat is running wild in the open land.
All are NOT subjected to their original habitat; but the opposite. You tend to be your own style and own way.
To get your own destiny details….. contact Master Soon
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