Your Destiny is a sequence of reciprocal cause and effect in which two or more elements intensify and aggravate each other, leading inexorably to a worsening or excelling of the situation.
As many year in serving metaphysical needs of the mass, I personally instead of believing in determination and equal opportunities as the only relevant factors for one to excel in career and fly high in his/her life ; on the very contrary, the field works of career as metaphysician provide more evidences and verdicts to prove that; your LUCK and success in life do not PURELY contributed by your HARD Work alone.
However, as you have come to understand that the reality and life are not an argument about HOW hard have you work for. Your LUCK and success are a drawn-out daily struggle to combine family, career, and relationships.
Whether we like it or not, this combination requires us to eventually surrender one or more of our responsibilities due to your very own limited resources. From there, these shape your LUCK from time to time.
Hence, some give up career for happy family, some surrender their love life for career advancement. Ever some drag on to form their family due to enjoyment of romantic love life or economic purposes, which eventually cause permanent damage or pain in their LUCK or Life.
People tend to design their life based on logic mindset. Yet, in the very reality of life on the Planet Earth, the manifestation of your life are MOSTLY illogical, irrational, emotional, sensational and SHOCKING rather than rigid and stable. This is why your logical plan always can not fix the outcome of your life, simply because your life is much illogical and irrational than your conscious mind could comprehend.
If you want to get an alternative view on your very destiny down the road, let say 5 years ahead; then you could
Find out your strengths, weaknesses, personality and character.
Find out why you are still in current situation after many years of struggles….
Find out your GOLDEN Period for success.
Find out where and how about your Love Life…..
5 Years Projection on your own FUTURE is the BEST Preparation you MUST HAVE to secure a seat for your own success in the very FUTURE.
A successful man will not only plan for ONE YEAR. Planning for ONLY 1 year is executive level. Planning for Two Year is junior manager. A successful man always plan for 5 Years down the road.
Which category are you in ? Executive? Junior Manager or you want to be a successful man?
The Mid-Term Personal BaZi Reading covers 5 years in the future (2016-2020)
- Exploit & Capitalize on your strengths and tendencies that will to enhance you in your career
- Survey & Inspect problems and challenges that come up during (2016 – 2020) as potential opportunities for greater success in your life
- Recognize & Understand your own inclination and priority for personal development and performance effectiveness
- Convert & Alter your career to achieve peak performance
The Report covers Comparison Year-to Year Basis Analysis from 2016 – 2020 in order to project the trend of movements which include
1. Career Potentiality and Quality (Employment or Business Direction)
2. Wealth (Trend of Wealth Accumulation or Depreciation)
3. Love Life & Family ( Pro & Con Aspects)
Apart from applying STARS Rating method, the report will be having add-on QUANTITATIVE analysis to Objectify the trend and possible outcome for 3 aspects as mentioned above. You can ask any questions concern these 3 aspects within 2016 – 2020 until you are clear of them. The report will be divided into 6 -7 emails in accordance to EACH Year Projection. Each Year projection will be compared to the year BEFORE for better understanding.
As this is not a STANDARD Computer generated report, but the report is done manually year by year based on 2 factors :
- Your OFFICIAL NAME as stated in your PASSPORT
- Your Birth Place (Town or City)
These 3 factors are needed to help in zooming down the scope for MORE accurate reading and analysis.
If you are interested, kindly contact email :
WhatApp to 60125603333.