On 02 April 2011, there were 10 participants for these 2 modules of Yijing prediction training course in Oriental Wisdom Penang centre. 5 of the students are from Kuala Lumpur. Some of them flied from Kuala Lumpur to Penang by Firefly Airline. Some of them drove 4 hours from Kuala Lumpur to Penang for this training course. Their learning spirit were so highly appreciated. Although we met for the first time, but we were having meaningful and delightful time for the whole day before we went back at about 7:30pm.
During the course, we analysed hand phone numbers each and every participant in terms of current luck predictions. I am highly confident with my Yijing predictive system, therefore, ON the SPOT I had encaurged the students to write their handphone numbers on the white board and predicted there various aspects of their life instantly. Meaning to say, my method is result proven and is able to be TESTED in front of the PUBLICS….
They had an “eyes Opening” session…. this was the first time they witnessed that you could decode the hidden meaning from a personal handphone number….
When you see the real Yijing prediction demonstartion on number, then, thou shall be seeing the amazing power of Yijing…
2011年4月2日, 本院成功的举办了易经预测课程.一共有10位学员参与。其中有5位学员是从350公里外的首都吉隆坡过来上课的。当中有些是乘飞机firefly空航来回,有些是自己或家人驾车4小时远道而来求学的,他们为学而从远方来的精神实在可喜可贺. 虽然我们是第一次见面,但这次的聚会也是意义非凡。我们一直做交流 忘了已经7:30pm 了,就带着不舍的心情离开。学员更希望下个课程尽快举办 以解对易经的饥渴.
当天,学员见识了易经的威力与智慧. 我把每个学员的个人电话都写在白板上,然后逐个逐个的演算个人当下的运程(内容包挂这些,请游览 …) 学院学习如何精准临场接着电话号码演算个人、私人的生活得个层个面. 对学员来说,可谓“大开眼界”.. 原来易经的智慧如此高深但又如此轻易的揭开一个人的人生密码;而且又快又准.
当您得到真传,你所看到的号码 就会对您 “说话”。

Light Discussion During Afternoon Break At Yijing Intentive Course on 02 April 2011.于下午茶点时分, 与学员进行轻松的学术交谈。