- You are able to know / read a person’s character or personality thru Whats app Information for example picture attached as below.
- The ability to read a person’s character in advance helps you to get yourself prepared.
- This kind of reading skill is commonly found among Chinese metaphysics practitioners.
- This secret of predictive reading is basically found in Yijing / I Ching; especially thru Bagua symbolism.
- Let me pick 1 example (real case) and demonstrate how Yijing is applied for prediction.
- The characteristics of the person are written and highlighted as in the picture above.
- How do you come to such a conclusion ?
- Answer : Plot Bagua Symbolism onto the picture according as shown below.
- How do you know the conclusion is correct ?
- Answer : I know him by person.
- How long this kind of prediction could last ?
- Answer : this is not a long term analysis; but rather it is an ad hoc / quick analysis when you need to know the answer in the shortest time; for example business negotiation.
- What is the percentage for accuracy ?
- Answer : Well, it is around 75%, sufficient to serve your purpose in the quickest moment.
- Can you tell me what formula / chart do you use to come to the conclusion as above?
- Answer : Yes, kindly refer to Bagua chart as below I superimpose on the picture.
- How do you know that he is unpopular ?
- Answer : Top left quadrant meant for popularity and fame. There is a sloping downward to the left (location for rubbish bin), energy is leaking ; unpopular or friendly or not having a good name.
- How do you know that he is harsh and nasty ?
- Answer: Top Center Quadrant meant for courtesy/politeness / public relationship. There is another sloping downward (to the right); energy is leaking; rude, impolite. In fact there is the place for rubbish bin.
- How do you know he is stingy & selfish ?
- Answer : Top right quadrant meant for Self-reservedness. The door is closed tightly. The heart of the man is closed always. Indicates stingy, selfish & economical.
- Answer: however, he is strong at this moment, because his wife(flower) enhances him very much at this moment.
- How do you know he is quarrelsome and aggressive ?
- Answer : refer to quadrant on the right. There is Incoming Water(rain). This quadrant also means MOUTH. He is talkative and aggressive verbally.
- How do you know he is careful / watchful and cautious ?
- Answer : refer to Bottom Left quadrant. There is a black car steadily park there. Black means cool and magical. Car means possessing / owning .
- So the rest conclusive points are also derived from the same methodology.
- However, he is not really the MOST powerful / authoritative person in his company although he is holding the position as Director in a dominant company in KL. Why?
- Because Bottom Right Quadrant is full of drying & dying leaves. He is in the process of “Drying”. Yet, luckily it is raining while the picture was capture. ( still surviving).
- In short, you also can become as a highly skillful pictorial reader as long as you could memorize the meaning for Eight Trigrams (Bagua) comprehensively.
- 您可以通過“ Whats App信息”了解/閱讀某人的性格或性格,例如以下圖片。
- 預先閱讀一個人的性格的能力可以幫助您做好準備。
- 這種閱讀技巧在中國形而上學的從業者中很常見。
- 這種預言性閱讀的秘密基本上可以在《易經》中找到。尤其是通過八卦象徵主義。
- 讓我選擇一個例子(真實案例),並演示如何將《易經》用於預測。
- 图
- 如上圖所示,書寫並突出了人的特徵。
- 您如何得出這樣的結論?答:如下圖所示,將Bagua象徵主義繪製在圖片上。
- 您怎麼知道結論是正確的?答:我一個人認識他。
- 這種預測能持續多久?答:這不是長期分析;但是,當您需要在最短的時間內知道答案時,它是一種即席/快速分析;例如商務談判。
- 準確率是多少?答:大約75%,足以在最快的時間內實現您的目的。
- 您能告訴我您使用什麼公式/圖表得出上述結論嗎?回答:是的,請參考下面的八卦圖。我疊加在圖片上。
- 图
- 您怎麼知道他不受歡迎? 回答:左上象限意味著受歡迎和成名。左側有一個向下傾斜的區域(垃圾桶的位置),能量正在洩漏;不受歡迎或不友好或沒有好名聲。
- 您怎麼知道他很刺耳又討厭? 答:居中居中像限旨在表示禮貌/禮貌/公共關係。還有另外一個向下傾斜(向右);能量正在洩漏;粗魯,不禮貌。實際上這裡有垃圾桶的地方。
- 你怎麼知道他小氣又自私? 答:右上象限表示自我保留。門關緊了。男人的心總是封閉的。表示小氣,自私和經濟。 答:但是,他現在很堅強,因為他的妻子(花朵)在這一刻非常有助他的成長。
- 您怎麼知道他吵架和好鬥? 答:請參閱右側的象限。有進水(雨)。該象限也意味著口。他口頭健談,好鬥。
- 您怎麼知道他是小心/謹慎和謹慎的? 答:請參閱左下象限。那裡有輛黑色的汽車停在那兒。黑色意味著酷而神奇。汽車意味著擁有/擁有。
- 因此,其餘結論點也來自相同的方法。
- 然而,儘管他擔任吉隆坡一家主導公司的董事一職,但他並不是他所在公司最強大/最權威的人。為什麼?因為右下象限充滿了乾燥和垂死的葉子。他正在“乾燥”過程中。但是,幸運的是,拍攝照片時正在下雨。 (仍然存在)。
- 簡而言之,只要您能全面記住八卦(Bagua)的含義,您也可以成為一名熟練的圖畫解讀者。
《东方智慧》Oriental Wisdom – Master Soon
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