This is Sample 1 for New BaZi Methodology under Period 9 for your reference!
- Self 日主(Subject of Study): Ding Fire Celestial Star 丁火繁星(12%)
- Background: Cosmos 宇宙
- Contents :
- Galaxy 星系 (14%)
- Burning Meteorite 火陨石 (14%)
- Sun 太阳 (15%)
- Moon 月亮 (2%)
- Afterglow 晚霞 (5%)
- Frost 霜 (13%)
- Rain/Meteor shower流星雨(7%)
- Interstellar cloud 云河 (15%)
- Cosmic Storm 风(3%)
- Applicable Timeframe: 2021 – 2031 Mega Outlook (Luck Cycle 十年大运)
- Period 9, Li Fire is the current phase that includes
- Digitization,
- Data collection,
- Connectivity (Intra & Inter),
- Analytics (Trans & Cross) ,
- Interactions (via Human & Artificial),
- Network Technology
- Artificial intelligence (AI)
- Visual & Sound Effect
- Task Transformation
- Inspiring Creativity
- Cybernetic (cybertalk, cyberart & cyberspace)
- Virtual Vs Reality
- & bla bla….
- If you put all those keywords above and join them together & become a picture;
- then you will get a phenomenon like a cosmos /universe/galaxy.
- Whatever you could find in the BOX of cosmos, that is what Yijing calls Period 9 – Li Trigram.
- What is the relationship between God & humans?
- According to Abrahamic theology, human destiny is
the outcome of god’s intervention + human free will. - In other words, god puts his hand into the world(Box) and spins / revolves/stir & humans can only passively react!
- However, according to Chinese legends that taught us for thousands of years, when you see the hand of god intervene in the box(world, human realm), Do Not hesitate to cut/chop that hand immediately.
- Because according to Chinese philosophy, God and Satan are the 2 sides of the same coin. God is Satan & Satan is God.
- If you read Abrahamic classics from this perspective, then you solve the polemics of these 3 religions once and for all.
- Let’s get back to our topic! We are already in Period 9, New Dimension, New Era & New Phase.
- We are leaving the heavier wavelength of Period 8(Earth & Materialistic)
- We are moving to a lighter wavelength dimension of Period 9 (Cosmic Fire)
- If you want to fine-tune your destiny, it means you make small and precise changes to your life to make it as successful or effective as it possibly can be.
- Then, why not understand yourself(chart) from a cosmic fire perspective (lighter wavelength)
Remarks: More samples to come in the future.
Stay Tuned
Master Soon
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