Question 2
Question 2 is slightly related to question 1. My boss would like to develop me in my career(full time job), he would like to position me as company financial controller in the next few years(when the company expands) and company will sponsor me to further study which is related to finance or accounting. I’m in dilemma which course should I choose, I’m interested in psychology, but I’m thinking either engineering, finance or MBA will directly helps in my career. I would like to understand my BaZi says about my character and which career should I develop.
Coincidentally as I’m writing to you during my turning point?
这个问题跟问题1有关联。 我的上司有意思栽培/提升我的职业(全职),他计划在未来的几年中(当公司扩充)将我提升为财务总监。公司将赞助我进修有关金融和会计的课程。我现在非常矛盾而不知如何做抉择,因为一方面我喜欢心理学;然而我的理性告诉我有关理科工程,金融,或企业管理硕士课程才能提升我的事业远景。我希望从我的八字中了解自己的个性和最适合我发展的事业。
《东方智慧》Oriental Wisdom – Master Soon 微信号 Wechat :MasterSoon WhatsApp : +60125603333 脸书 Facebook : @mastersoon1 电邮 Email :