Feng Shui is closed related to Daoism... where White Cranes are also associate with Dao and longevity
I am getting lesser time for my blog nowadays as services inquiries are coming from all directions, from Malaysia, Singapore and China……
There are plenty of field works pictures which could ROCK your world of feng shui and metaphysics waiting for me to edit and post…. It seems that Divine does not want me to tell too much about HEAVENLY dimensions as worldly people should be kept at their status quo…..
Conventionally, feng shui audit should be accompanied by compass as an indicator for direction reading… Based on the reading, then…. bla bla bla… This is conventional way… Today, I want to tell you that there are many unconventional way of feng shui audit which compass is not Compulsory. … I mean Compass is not compulsory … I do not say you do not need compass…. Why? Because Compass alone is NOT enough… Why ? When you are divinely selected….
Back in May, I was busy with one dragon spot searching in Southern China. We traced down the dragon vein not by compass…. but BY the power of DIVINE…….
The highest level of feng shui is DRAGON SPOTTING. All school of feng shui like XKDG, YGFS, QMDJ serve this purpose in term of time continuum and spatial dimension.
A date was carefully selected for dragon spot to ensure the phenomenons and incidents expected. Your date selection should be able to invite extra ordinary outcome and scenario. This is the real purpose of DATE selection. Can your QMDJ invite extraordinary phenomenons. If yes, Congratulates ! You are getting the real version… If you are hesitant with the verdict from nature or extraordinary outcome… your version is highly suspicious of the authenticity. All Date Selection must invite extraordinary outcome or ” VERDICT from nature”. Otherwise, you are getting a FAKED version of Date Selection again.
The picture above(tells how powerful and forceful the dragon formation, study the picture carefully) shows that we were taking the dragon formation from the FRONT view, where we were in the Table Mountain 朝山, approximately 2.5KM to 3KM away. This means the length of the Ming Tang 名堂 is about 2.5 KM between Dragon Formation and Table Mountain. How do you know that the place we stood is Table Mountain? If you do not know Land Formation, it is very hard to explain. Even you spend your life time, you also may NOT know this simple truth.
My clients who invited me stay in this place generation after generations. Yet, no one of the villagers know how to figure out the dragon and dragons which are so near yet so far way from them…. This tells that if you are not divinely selected, your eye is metaphysically blind even though the dragon is so near to you… Again this proves the old saying : 福人居富地;富地福人居 ( Auspicous Dragon Land is well preserved for Divinely Selected Few who are having good ethics)
Again, this tells you that only divinely selected feng shui masters are able to trace and ride the dragon…. not those commercialized feng shui businessmen.
When I was busy looking and zooming the spot, the family members who invited me asked me suspiciously :” Master, how to trace a spot as the who piece of mountains are so huge and so far away….?
I replied: ” Do not worry… Divine is with us…” immediate after that, I pointed the mountain which is 3 KM away and I said: ” The Divine Verdict is coming 天意来了, 天垂象以示吉凶了….
There were a group of white Cranes flying in a straight line … to and fro…. They flew at a static horizon to show me the height from the ground (of the mountain) that I should zoom in….. they flew to and fro for 2 times at the same horizontal height and the width of the vertical spectrum that I should lock…
Each and every times when I search the dragon spot and go into jungle, surely there would be others beings(like spirit, snake, turtles, dogs, birds, angels, golden toads, fishes, showing the way……and open the path… in this case, white crane appeared.
A feng shui master WITHOUT the power of DIVINE is powerless…..
The tomb( white) in the above picture is NOT dragon spot…. You would also find many tombs in this area , yet, 95% are OUT of dragon spot…. again, this tells you that Dragon Spot is Divinely Preserved for Selected Few…..

When Ever, I venture into the nature, there are always other beings come to accompanied me for my purpose... in this case, white cranes came in a group to show me the Dragon Spot
The family members were mesmerized by this scenario (white cranes suddenly appeared to strengthen their faith when they started to feel loss in the vastness of nature) ….. They even get convinced when we climbed up to the place on the next day.
The pictures were taken randomly. So, it does not show you the dragon spot in the picture…. The dragon spot is at other pictures due to P & C.
Although I could see many grades/quality of dragon spots at this mountainous areas…. however, the divine had sent white cranes to show that this family should go for this kind of quality dragon spot….
As a divinely selected meta-physician….I fully understand and know this in my heart silently…. I should follow the flow of nature…. as this is the will of divine, I have to follow this as the KARMA of this family deserve THIS….
As long as dragon spot feng shui or even business feng shui is concerned, I, as a divinely selected meta-physician, always follow how your KARMA interact with Divine and how Divine tell me to do…. NOT how much money you pay me… because your money CANNOT move the will of Divine in my heart.
Master Soon
email : master@mastersoon.com
Mobile : +6012 560 3333