Good Day to Everyone here.
After the completion of Yijing Module II last weekend and some business consultation in Kuala Lumpur, I am back to my working table, back to my laptop and back for answering a number of feng shui fans’ “secret emails”. Thank you so much so these “secret emails” because you give me a vast dimensions through your questions about metaphysics and spiritualism.
Thank you for your encouragements and sharing of your insightful and in depth questions. Also, thank you for so many “secret angels” who send me emails for concerns and various proposals. Some even proposal “angelic venture”. I assure you that I would seriously consider your proposals and ideas.
Nevertheless, as a being who is very much nourished and enlightened by various Classical Tex like Yijing, Veda, Holy Bible, Al-Quran, Daoism and Buddhism mentally and spiritually; I am very appreciative towards those who spend time in my classes, my blog, my facebook and on-site consultations.
Each and every one of you who have been playing the roles as mentioned above are my “Masters”. According to Chinese and Indian traditions, the students and devotees are the “masters” of the master himself. Sincerely I pay you respect to all readers here, that, you are my masters in “TRUTH” seeking…. What I have today, is very much contributed by you. With you all as “masters” out there, I could grow in various aspects. Because I have so many “masters” out there like you all; I am motivated and spirited to have high will power to seek the TRUTH of this universe….
Dear brothers and sisters, today I feel metaphysically and spiritually happy. This is because you have given me a “Spiritual cum Metaphysical” platform to live in this world of current era. By having this platform, I am able to carry on “TRUTH” seeking, imparting what I know in the classes and workshops; to render my wisdom to the needy and in-time consultation to various people in their walk of life. The happiness of Spirit 法喜comes to me this morning while I am reading 道德经 in preparation for next class of 《道统》 第二讲 . Life is so beautiful…. Thank you very much 感恩
Master Soon
email :
mobile: +6012 560 3333