Jacob Fighting with Angel, Messenger of Divine. If Jacob Dared to Fight the Angel, Why Not you?
Genesis, Chapter 32 verse 28 is an incredibly important verse: “”Your name will no longer be Jacob,” the angel told Jacob. “It is now Israel, because you have struggled with both Divine and men and have won.”
” This is interesting to know! Israel means “God struggles” or “one who struggles with Divine.” It is also interesting I think to see that Divine gives people new names at times in the Bible, and the names are reflective of their new lives with Divine. Abram becomes Abraham. Sarai becomes Sarah. Jacob becomes Israel. Simon becomes Peter.
All of them had been questioning, asking, debating,urguing and fighting with the DIVINE personally, spiritually,physically, mentally,symbolically, directly…… in their respective ways and methods. Dear friends, there are a lot example in the Bible that we can CHANGE our walk of life and REDIRECT of path of life, even REBRANDING our apprearance by: STRUGGLING with the DIVINE. (this is very different from Submission to God as preached by all religions including priest of Christianity)
Brother and sister, I have been researching into comparative study on various RELIGIONS for more than 25 years. The element mould me and set me very differently from the other Chinese metaphysician is : the REVEALED version in the Holy Bible, the Al-Quran, Torah, Yijing, Veda and most of the forbidden knowledge which is so called “forbidden by God”………..
However, in this Saturday, 30 Jun 2012, I will show you how a person who went against the will of Divine, wrestled with the Angel, “Stole” the Divine Blessing from his brother, yet, after all these so called “unethical doings”; Jacob, the person who FIGHTED the Divine is still PROTECTED and BLESSED by the DIVINE…. It simply means there are ROOMS for you to FIGHT against the DIVINE and WIN HIM over to CHANGE your luck on earth…. this is part of the “FORBIDDEN KNOWLEDGE”
Brother and sister, if you are an experts of XKDG, San He with REAL skill of blending these into LAND FORMATION feng shui, one of the outcome is very similar to Jacob story above….. Win over the DIVINE blessing….
If you are interested in this kind of knowledge, there are a series of seminar for you. The details are as below
Date : 30 JUNE 2012
Time : 10:30am – 4:30 pm
Venue : YMCA Penang, Room D
Medium : English
Registration : email to master@mastersoon.com
We already have students coming from Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh and Penang to this ” forbidden knowledge” . This is the first time we open “forbidden knowledge” seminar to the public. Yet, we reserve the right to filter your application.
I can assure you the seminar will ” blow your mind” and bring benefit to you in term of how to change your luck.
Have A Nice Day
Master Soon
email : master@mastersoon.com
mobile: +6012 560 3333