International Feng Shui Master 国际易经玄学老师
Due to time constraint of the participants, the workshop was split into 2 classes to suit the convenience of students.
Daoism Face Reading 道统面相学第一讲(Daotong Mian Xiang) Workshop 1 is a foundation lesson designed to provide students with the essential foundation of Face Reading. It is meant to equip students with the requisite skills and knowledge of Face Reading and glimpse its astounding versatility in application.
However, Dao also stresses on ethics and principles of life in all aspects. Dao 道 (the path) evaluates the dignity of a person not by his/her face reading 面相, but by his/her ethics and moral, rather than rigid face reading’s formula.
Daoism Face Reading Workshop 1 encourages the cultivation of face reading skills to help people and to uplift the social moral. This is because the essential point of face reading is one’s face changes in accordance to his/her inner self(spirit) 想由心生.
This workshop encourages students to venture into spiritualism in order to go into deeper dimensions of life, which face reading is only open the very first gate. Students should bear in mind that there are greater knowledge beyond face reading. Face reading is just the stepping stone for one to venture into higher realm and deeper meaning of LIFE.
Remember, your good self have a much more meaningful purpose in this life. You may make use of face reading as a starter to open up your life treasure. Your destiny is on your face. By knowledge of Mian Xiang, you could easily predict one’s destiny. However, our objective is to help the students to uplift their life quality by looking into HOW to OVERCOME the constraints which already appeared in our life. This is great mission we have : To OVERCOME the constraints and life obstacles by certain countermeasurements.
Most of the participants in this workshop have intermediate or advanced level of feng shui and Yijing (I-Ching) knowledge. All of them are highly educated and holding dominant position in their respective career.
For the very first time, metaphsycians are exposed that the humantic level which covers the intimate relationship of family, frienship and social beheviors and etc also post great influences to an individual in term of “PHYSICAL” well being and “Non-PHYSICAL” luck and destiny.
Basically, the class is exposed to the very essence of my fieldwork experience which I have seen with my own eye, I have felt with my very heart and those hidden issues that people try to hide yet giving great impact onto oneself.
The issues had been analyzed carefully with historical references and cases I had witnessed since many years of fieldwork as feng shui masters. Due to personal vested interests, many feng shui masters do not (dare not) or even do not aware of “these issues” are the REAL cause of DOWN FALL of a family LUCK.
DATE : 12 – 16 NOVEMBER 2012 (Mon-Fri)
TIME : 09:15 – 18:15 Daily
CITY : Guangzhou, China
PURPOSE : Exposing Participants to how SAN YUAN + SAN HE are integrated in Modern Businesses
SPECIALTY : Sites Visiting Are Planned to Enhance One’s Advanced Feng Shui Knowledge
EXTRA : Experiencing MODERN Guangzhou Life Style
BATCH :Second Batch in 2012, Fourth Batch since 2010
DUE DATE : 12 SEPTEMBER 2012 (close for registration)
CONTACT : master@mastersoon.com
The 2012 Guangzhou Golden Feng Shui Excursion will show you how PEARL RIVER has contributed as Economic Engine to Southern China in Period 8. The Workshop will show you how to apply San Yuan+San He+Water Dragon of 147-258-369 in micro and macro environment.
The Workshop will show you how Baiyunshan (White Cloud Mountain) plays the role as Parent Mountain (父母山)to ancient city Guangzhou (more than 2000 years) until Modern time, since SEA SILK TRADE ROUTE until modern trading centre of the world today. A Real case of SAN YUAN BU BAI 三元不败 ( Undefeated Thru Out 9 Cycles)
During the workshop, we are going to trace dragon by van, by walking and also by "Sky Diving" (sky train). When we reach on top of Baiyunshan (White Cloud Mountain) you will be exposed to what is Dragon Head(龙头), Crossing Gap(过峡), Entering Head (入首),Flying Dragon(飞龙) what is Open Tabernacle (开帐)What is Dragon Matching Sitting(龙到山);Water Meeting Facing ( 水到向) and ... many more .....
How the emperor fought off the political rebellions and rivals by Land form feng shui and architectural feng shui. How feng shui had been an important factors in Chinese political arena. Of course from here, various aspects of feng shui will disclosed during workshop at this point.
The significant of xxx feng shui... Tracing and Walking along a small dragon.There are 2 techniques of Dragon Tracing. We will be inspired at this point....
A site visit which provides difference dimension of feng shui. Classical feng shui never mention, San Yuan or San He also never talk much.
For further information, kindly click the below PDF.
2012 Guangzhou Golden Feng Shui Trip Content
for registration kindly email to : master@mastersoon.com
Chinese Face Reading
Dao of Woman 妇女之道
Woman is the mother of all living, for, Woman is Kun trigram 坤卦 who produces all human being on the EARTH. Just like in Genesis 3:20 :
“And Adam called his wife’s name Eve; because she was the mother of all living.”
From Daoism perspective, woman is the mother of a nation and its citizens, woman is the source of the world as long as human realm is concern. In order to have good children, harmony family and stable society, world peace; there is no other way, but by practising “Dao of Woman” 妇女之道. (Dao means way of life, path of life)
“Dao of Woman” 妇女之道 is noble, elegant, respectful, polite, diligent, helpful, sympathetic and honour. Dao of Woman always put their family at the FIRST priority. Dao of Woman honour her family, her parents, her husband, her children and her relatives and friends surround her.
“Dao of Woman” 妇女之道 has a root 根 and source本 . When the source is secured and protected ;and the root is pure, unmixed, unpolluted, truthful, unadulterated, honourable, righteous and genuine, then, the Dao of Woman is fully completed and fulfilled. This condition is like the source of water which is crystal clear with uplifting fragrance and full of positive energy. This will surely and steadily brings blessing to the woman herself and the blessing would overflow and fill her family members. This is also as what Bible says Woman is the mother of all living….
However, if the source of a woman is unprotected, unsecured, and vulnerable to external pollutants; and the root is impure, mixed, polluted, untruthful, deceitful, adulterated, dishonoured and pretended, then, she is going to bring shame on herself and her family. Because the source of water is smelly, stagnant, sabotaging, turbid and muddy. This is also as what Bible says from the Fallen Eve, sin came to her husband, and all living and all descendants from her womb.
Dao of Woman 妇女之道 is divided into 3 parts; namely Dao of Lady 姑娘之道, Dao of Daughter-in-law 媳妇之道 and Dao of Old Lady 老太太之道 . (we will discuss these divisions some other times)
Brothers and Sisters, I am a feng shui master; visiting many families, offices, factories, countries day after days, week after weeks, month after months years after years for feng shui consultations and family or business consultations.
I could see those families who are very successful financially and enjoy harmonious and peaceful family life simultaneously; the numbers are NOT MANY. This kind of families shared a common trait. The mother or the wife or the daughter or the daughter in law or all of them are practising ” Dao of Woman 妇女之道”
On the contrary, I also could see there is a common trait happens to those families, businesses and corporations which are suffering from economic and financial problems. This commonality is violating principle of ” Dao of Woman 妇女之道” in the level of a family, a company, a factory and a corporation.
Brothers and Sisters, woman is the MOTHER and the EARTH of all livings as taught by most of all world religions. Woman must be honoured because from her womb bears our next generations, Because from her physical body, human being comes into existence. Without woman, there is no children and society. Without woman there is no human being. Brothers and sisters, I observe and make this conclusion from my many years of consultations by feng shui, Yijing, Bazi an etc. “Dao of Woman 妇女之道” applies to everyone regardless of races, religious beliefs, colours and countries.
If you are a woman of “Dao of Woman 妇女之道“, everyone regardless of man and woman shall pay you high respect. Societies, communities and nations shall give a salute to you and pay tribute to you. Because from you, all living creatures are blessed because of you who practise of “Dao of Woman 妇女之道” . From you, all your family members are blessed.
There will be a Daoism Feng Shui class on
Topic : Daoism Feng Shui III ( will cover Chinese face reading)
Date : 28 July 2012 (Sat)
Time : 10:15 am – 3:15pm
Medium : English and Mandarin
If you are interested, kindly email to master@mastersoon.com or call 012 560 3333
XKDG testimonials
XKDG Testimonial
Time:10:30am – 5:30pm
Venue:YMCA Penang
I have been receiving many questions about Xuan Kong Da Gua (XKDG) since 2 months ago. Those who ask this kind of questions are mostly practitioners and advanced level feng shui enthusiasts because to enable a person to ask questions within XKDG coverage requires certain level of feng shui knowledge. At the same time, the readership on my XKDG articles (mostly I wrote in year 2010) attract huge traffic into my blog. However, I was busy with my feng shui consultations in Kuala Lumpur and feng shui Workshops in Penang, and, had no time to answer those XKDG questions one by one.
Today, I just pick one of the question as below:
“I come across a saying that 玄空大卦为体,飞星为用, how true is this comment ?” This question asked what is my opinion on this market driven XKDG statement.
This market driven statement could be translated in another words as these :
” How do you think about the principle of XKDG which sounds XKDG is the body, and XKFS is the application?”
My comments :
Master Soon XKDG Xuan Kong Da Gua. There are a lot of XKDG secrets in this picture... May the truth reveals itself to the selected few
If a XKDG master does NOT consider energy at XKDG1- XKDG 8, it tells that his XKDG has no Geomantics/Land Formation element. Each location XKDG1-8, shape and disturb the XKDG alignment you define or choose. Location at Master Soon and Master Soon 1 also impose invisible energy outcome onto property unit A-E, although all five units share the same architectural direction. Interraction of energy between property unit of J,H,I and J and XKDG 1-8 is very different from F,K and L.
If XKDG is being used to tilt a door or the main door of a property(house), this act of feng shui activation only tells that this kind of practitoners HAVE NOT YET fully comprehend/understand what XKDG is meant for.
If a person “Believe in” by Tilting a Main Door bearing ( in a few degree) would “MAKE OVER” or “Change” his destiny, this only tells that he has lost his mind or… he is poisoned by FAKED XKDG mentally.
May you have divine wisdom.
Further information only reserve for my class on 14-15 JULY 2012
15 students has completed One Day Workshop on Dao(The Path) Metaphysics under series of Daoism Feng Shui Program 《道统》 on 30 June 2012. We have covered many issues like Divinity, Humanity, Angelogy, Satanology, Godliness, Ungodliness, Wisdom, Decision Making, Symbology etc which also redirect our walk of life … We analysed many metaphysical issues which are beyond feng shui like spirit…. invisible dimension …..
The 3rd workshop under this program will be on 28 July (Sat).
Dao Workshop II on 30 June 2012 道统 二讲 二0一二年六月三十日
If you are interested, kindly email to master@mastersoon.com