- 2021年柱为辛丑,辛为金,丑为牛,故俗称金牛。
- 辛金的属性世间成器之金如下:
- 贵重物品、饰品、艺术品,比如有戒指、项链,手镯,手表,手链、金银珠宝等(象征荣耀、富贵、地位)
- 小型金属制品有金钱、印章、保险柜、螺丝,小刀等(精致但实用)
- 所以,今年辛金代表精致细腻的气场,带有荣华富贵,却又非常具体实在有用处的存在。你个人气度准备好了吗?
- 丑土的属性为湿土,除了象征牛以外,丰富的意义如下:
- 所以,今年大多数的行业必须步步为营,如履薄冰,严防假消息迷惑而导致错误的投资,掉入陷阱(现金)的圈套。你事业方向布局好了吗?
- 2021年的20为大泽大湖,意味大折毁、大决堤、大空洞。
- 疫情继续收割人命,天生天杀。
- 商业继续大洗牌,强者留下生存,
弱者溺毙大湖泊。 - 思维大革命者是未来的胜利者;
- 思维自闭者将在一年后
- 所以,今年你需要踊跃的思考变通,做出改变。你的思想观念预备了吗?
- 2021年的21为天上风和云,
- 黄金机会来去如风云,瞬间消失
- 看到了机会,必须立即把握超控
- 果断、果决、当机立断
- 当断不断,反受其乱
- 所以,今年不可拖泥带水,不是进场就要即刻离场;时机一过,后果自负。
- 总结贴士:
- 记住
牛是被奴役的,而人是驾驭牛的主人。 - 至少成为财大人脉广的《牛魔王》,千万别做牛瞎劳动!
- 若要经济不受累如牛,千万别像牛拖泥带水,不是当仁不让,就是当斩即斩,不马虎,果断决定!
- 记住
- 今年有富贵的机会(珠光宝气的牛魔王),差别在于你行动了吗?
- 金句:当您将“辛丑年”(金牛)视为“牛魔王”;那么您将会看到金矿和机会。
结论 : 辛丑+2021 = 牛魔王
《东方智慧》Oriental Wisdom – Master Soon
WhatsApp : +60125603333
电邮 Email : master@mastersoon.com
“Tips for Starting the Xin Chou Year in 2021”
- In 2021, the pillar is Xin Chou, Xin is gold, and Chou is cow, so it is commonly called Golden Bull.
- The attributes of Xin metal are as follows:
- Valuables, jewelry, artwork, such as rings, necklaces, bracelets, watches, gold and silver jewelry, etc. (symbolize glory, wealth, status)
- Small metal products include money, seals, safes, screws, knives, etc. (exquisite but practical)
- Therefore, this year, Xin Metal represents an exquisite and delicate aura, with glory and wealth, but very specific and useful. Are you personally ready?
- Ugly soil is wet soil. In addition to symbolize cattle, other meanings are as follows:
- The yin and yang energy levels are not yet perfectly balanced, which has the meaning of binding
- The yang energy is weak, the yin qi is relatively strong, it is the “hub” of the budding yang qi, so it is abbreviated as “ugly”
- There is mud and water vapor under the ugly soil, so ugly soil also means muddy water.
- Therefore, most of the industries this year must act step by step, such as walking on thin ice, to prevent false information from causing false investment and
falling into the trap (cash). Have you arranged your career direction? - The Number <20> in 2021 is Daze Great Lake, which means big destruction, big burst, big hole.
- The epidemic continues to reap human lives year of human sacrifice.
- The business continues to reshuffle, the strong stay and survive, and the weak drown in the lake.
- The thinking revolutionaries are future victors;
- People with closed mindset will be eliminated in one year.
- So, this year you need to actively think about flexibility and make changes. Is your mind prepared?
- Number <21> in 2021 is the wind and clouds in the sky,
- Golden opportunities come and go like storms and disappear instantly
- Seeing an opportunity, you must immediately grasp & take-control
- Be instantly Decisive.
- When the opportunities have gone, regretted-ness is the result.
- Therefore, this year, you should
not be slow motion like a cow. If you do not enter the market, you must leave immediately; once the time passes, you will be at your own risk. - Tips Summary:
- Remember that cattle
are enslaved, and people are the masters who control them. - At least become the “Bull Demon King” with a wide network & wealthy, and don’t be blindly busy!
- If do not want to be enslaved like a cow, then don’t drag like a cow, either do your part, or cut it immediately,
don’t make a thoughtless decision!
- Remember that cattle
- There is a chance of wealth this year (the jeweled Bull Devil King). Have you taken the action?
- Golden Sentence: When you see Xin Chou Year (Metal Ox) as Year of Bull Devil King; then you will see the Gold Mine & Opportunities
Conclusion: Metal Ox + 2021 = Bull Devil King
《东方智慧》Oriental Wisdom – Master Soon
WhatsApp : +60125603333
电邮 Email : master@mastersoon.com