- Tun MahatHIR of Modern Malaysia and Tun MutaHIR(died 1510) of Malacca Sultanate share the same phonetic for “hir” in the end of their names.
- Tun MahatHIR and Tun MutaHIR share the same Indian Muslim ancestry.
- Tun MahatHIR (the 4th Prime Minister of Malaysia) and Tun MutaHIR (the 7th Bendahara of Malaccan Sultanate, a post equivalent to a prime minister) share the same political position respectively.
- Tun MahatHIR and Tun MutaHIR share the same political accusations for practising nepotism, favoritism, racism, prejudice, preferential treatment and discrimination.
- Tun MahatHIR and Tun MutaHIR are blessed to have their respected and well-known heroin and outstanding daughters; namely Marina Mahathir and Fatima Mutahir.
- It is called Synchronized Destiny(Meaningful Coincidence) for 2 separated incidences in two separated timeliness ; with extremely high similarities and homogeneities between the two, according to Chinese Metaphysics.
- If this is so, did Sultan Mahmud Shah of Malacca Sultanate who was said to be responsible to terminate Tun Mutahir politically and physically in year 1510, link to RosMAH Mansor who is said to be a blessing to her husband Datuk Seri Najib, the current Prime Minister in facing one battle after another with Tun Mahathir ?
- With so many repetitive similarities as mentioned above, it is worthy for you to pay the attention as below.
- The final stage of life for Tun Mutahir of Malacca Sultanate witnessed the arrival of new maritime threat 1509-1510 from the West, the Portuguese intervention in Malacca Strait; compared to the later part of life for Tun Mahathir of Modern Malaysia witnesses the new emergence threat from the East, the China maritime threat in South China Sea.
- Both Tun of “hir” witness the foreign threats in respective later part of their life; Portuguese and China respectively in term of maritime routes.
- Linguistically speaking, “hir” in Malay is link to “Akhir”. Akhir means “Ending” or “the Last”.
- Hence, it was no surprise metaphysically, when Malacca Sultanate came to its destructive end in 1511 by Portuguese Invasion, a year after Tun Mutahir of Malacca was killed(1510). Malay History was rewritten from then onwards for 446 years, until Malaya Independence Day in year 1957.
- Interestingly to be noted that, there was another “political ending” happened to Old Johor Sultanate caused by the name ending with “hir” also.
- He was Tun Mutahir of Pahang(died in 1863), the Last Bendahara Seri Maharaja, Raja Bendahara Pahang V, the Last Bendahara of the Old Johor Sultanate and the Last Raja Bendahara of Pahang.
- Upon Tun Mutahir of Pahang death in 1863 in the Pahang civil war, Johor history was rewritten from then onwards and gave birth to the sovereign state of Pahang.
- The point here is that; either Tun Mutahir of Malacca(died in 1510) or Tun Mutahir of Pahang(died in 1863) were killed unmercifully but cruelly, although both had contributed positively and served their respective sovereign polity for many years; yet, left no heroic legacy behind.
- Both Tun Mutahir of Malacca and of Pahang were remembered as defeated person or loser; although both used to hold the position of Bendahara, a post similar to modern concept of prime minister.
- When you look at Tun Mahathir of Modern Malaysia, do you see the trend he is heading to?
- History repeats itself metaphysically with meaningful and remarkable concurrence of events or circumstances without apparent causal connection.
- It is so obvious that the Name ending with “hir” had strengthen the individual in term of MALAY political power in the middle age. Highly applicable to Tun Mutahir of Malacca, Tun Mutahir of Pahang and Tun Mahathir of Modern Malaysia.
- It is also obviously a curse to them, especially in the final stage of their respective lives.
- Will Tun Mahathir of Modern Malaysia break away from this cursing bondage?
- Let’s us witness how Tun Mahathir revitalize himself and free himself from his “hir” destiny.
- What will happen to Federation of Malaysia after Tun Mahathir if one day he is no longer with us anymore?
- Will Federation of Malaysia follow the destructive fate of Malacca Sultanate after the death of Tun Mutahir of Malacca in 1510?
- Will Federation of Malaysia follow the fate of dismantling of Old Johor Sultanate(or Pahang as independent state) after the death of Tun Mutahir in year 1863?
- If the meaningful coincidences have been happening since 500 years ago until today, do you think that Malaysia(spirited from Malacca Sultanate) could skip from this synchronized destiny?
- Malacca Sultanate failed once, Old Johor Sultanate failed once.
- But that “Once” was sufficient to rewrite the Malay Destiny totally without fail.
- “Twice” had happened upon Malay Destiny.
- “Third” time is categorized as irreparable and irreversible mistake.
- If Third Time strikes again upon Malay Destiny; then let your cognitive power tells you the MOST logical and rational ANSWER.
For More Information, kindly stay tuned for MALAY DESTINY by Master Soon
Profile of Master Soon
Having completed years of research in the “unknown, untold and unconventional”,Master Soon, shares meaningful insights on“How to redesign & reinvent your luck”. His method on “Destiny Reinvention” to corporate level on top of social strata until personal level at various segments of the public has touched many souls.
His proven UNknown “destiny make over” method has won him fame & clients in China, India, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan & Switzerland.
“ Metaphysical Destiny Revivalism” is his blissful psyche power.
“Metaphysical Luck Renewal” is his unconventional motto.
“Destiny Victory” is his audiences’ satisfaction.
Master Soon has completed more than 20 years in researching the established and esoteric facets of Chinese metaphysics and mind strategies, plus unorthodox patterns of Destiny Reinventing method.
and has years to his name, specializing in business feng shui consultation apart from being an adviser in enlightening and inspiring using his Untold Chinese metaphysics. He has also been invited by corporationsin Malaysia, Singapore, Switzerland, India, Thailand, Hong Kong and China to share his knowledge. Some of his past seminars include topics on
- Riding the Horse Year of 2014
- Unknown yet Effective Feng Shui Secrets
- Unknown Monetary Zone
- Untold Treasure Belt
- Unorthodox Way of Destiny Re-design
- Untold Secrets of Luck Re-direction
- Property Feng Shui for Investors,
- Property Projection by Yijing Prediction
- Corporate Feng Shui for Top Management
- Lantern Festival Long Term Money
His proven unconventional method in luck design is effective, striking and impressive.
Contact: master@mastersoon.com or call 6012 560 3333