It is a common illusion (distorted reality/false information) and faked observation that happens after a person dies. The impressions, images, symbols, concepts and teachings that live in the mind(comprehension and understanding) of his followers or associates; often DO NOT tally with REALITY to the person when he is still alive. With passage of time, many additions, ommissions and embellishments, solidify and unite into such a mixture as to transform the ORIGINAL person into quite another character and personality.
Hence…. it is NOT surprising that the accounts of the lives and teachings of the founders of any religions (leading figures of various religions should have undergone the same process as above. Thus, there are always different opinions among Hindu regarding true meaning of Ramayana and Mahabharata were actually written down. There are many differences among Protestants about how Bible should be interpreted. Islam also divided into Shiite and Sunni….. Buddhism in original place, India , already changed naturally to fixed into the context of various nation’s mentality in different places like Chinese Buddhism, Tibetan Buddhism, Japanese Buddhism and many other forms.
The differences start none other than oral transimissions of knowledges. Each and every religions expereinced this kind of “oral transmission”(truths passing down by mouth) from Judaism, Roman Cotholics, Christian, Islam, Hinduism, Jainism, Shintoism and Daoism; just to name a few. None of the world religions escaped from “oral transmission”(truths passing down by mouth)….. None of them….
And, all of them also expereinced diversities and differences along the passage of time, while the knowledge was passing down trough oral (mouth)…. None of the great world religions could run away from “distorted reality”, “false information”, “faked oral transmission” and “mis-information” after hundred of years.
The fact of “denominations” existence among Christian, Islam, Hindusim, Judaism, Buddhism or Daoism proves that “oral transmission” carries HIGH DANGER on FAKED Information to suit vested interests of certain parties…… This is a fact and everyone can see with own eye… However, diversities and differences also tell that knowledge is “accumulative”, “transitional” and “changable”….. This is in line with the law of Yijing ” Change is Constant”…..
If a scholar claims that “knowledge is rigid”, the truth is static”…. “the info is fixed through the passage of time”….. I think he is going against THE LAW of “CHANGE IS CONSTANT”.
There are feng shui masters claim that feng shui truths only well kept at their hands; as they are having “oral transmission of knowledge”. However, they are also subjected to “faked and misinformations” , just like the way all great religions experienced.
However, in my lineage, we do also heavily rely on ” oral transmission of knowledge”. Yet, we do admit the possibilities of oral errors…. (this is logically, sociologically and anthropologically possible) However, in our lineage, we do have a few methods to preserve and counter check the “TRUTHS”.
Just to name a few among those precautions and preventive actions along my lineage, besides “oral” are as below
1) Practical VERIFICATION of land form against FORMULA in China and Taiwan at various feng shui fieldworks.
2) Theoretical VERIFICATION of Feng Shui Classic… ( This is crucial ……)
3) Prove your techniques NOW by Huge Result. ( This is basic requirement)
4) Prove yourself by successfully find 100 dragons spots ( This is mastery requirement)
5) Opening of Magical Power by Ownself….. ( this is metaphsyical requirement)
6) …….
7) ……..
“My lineage believes that the student could advance and getting better than his master…” becasue the wisdom of an individual is different from one to another. We believe in “expanding knowledge”, accumulative knowledge”, “transformative knowledge”, “reveal knowledge” (general revelation & specific revelation). Our heart is open to all new knowledge and new findings…. in the spirit of science and religion…………..
I , Master Soon, Master of Cosmos Metaphysics, Master of All World Religions.
I , Master Soon is human with flesh just like you. Logical, Mindful, Physically Tangible & Touchable plus Professionally Reacheacble…….
I, Master Soon is Divine with Spirit just like you. Sensational with angelic vibration, spiritual with cosmic rhythm…
My mission is GREAT. My Vision is overwhelming…….
I am uplifting… I am transcendental….
and , you can become just like me……
Master Soon