What is LUCK… There are many definitions and explanations… some of them are academic, some of them are scholastic, and some of them are defective… and most of them are far from the reality of “Luck” because due to the understanding of “Luck” is grounded narrowly and lack of tangible holistic experiential spectrum.
Luck is not number of flying star chart…. because that flying star chart is just a ” Chart” itself but not luck…. A “Chart” is a drawn box of a group of numbers…. When you blindly believe in Chart and allow the Chart to explain your luck…. at that moment, you have not only pitifully and blindly; but also randomly, aimlessly and purposelessly put/enslave your self esteem and self being as precious soul into a small tiny pigeonhole. The only outcome of enslaving your marvelous personal luck into a charted Chart is synonymous of box up your potentiality, limiting your inner self, shrinking your courage, restricting your life possibilities, constraining your “dream” and most importantly narrowing your life visibility…. These explain why you are one of the victims of Flying Star Chart BELIEVER….for many years..of luck sufferings….
After many years as feng shui master in real practical field works… Let me tell your the TRUTH of Luck…. This is Master Soon observation from more than 10,000 cases of feng shui audits from different races and countries….
Luck is cyclical, periodic and seasonal. Luck is not static and rigid. Luck is dynamic… Luck is multidimensional… luck is comprehensible …if you know the techniques….
Success …is only possible when the Energy is being “released”. Performance is only possible when the mood and spirit are “heightening” and “brightening“. Victory is a result of “externalizing” of inner confidence. Achievement is the fruit of “empowering “of your intangible power….
All verbs of success, performance and achievement like “releasing, heightening, brightening, externalizing and empowering”, just to name a few, are expressive, articulate, demonstrative, masterly, pragmatic, forcible and responsive ” ACTIONS.
It is totally against the rigidity, limit, narrowness and strictness which constraint the understanding of luck changing into small tiny pigeonhole; as suggested by 9 grids chart of flying star…..
Brothers and sisters, it is methodological faulty and wrong if the understanding of the subject( Luck – in this case) is misconstrued and mishandled. It is practically wrong if you apply rigid, barred,cluttered and narrow flying star chart or even XKDG or QMDJ; to deal with fluctuating but unbarred, uncluttered characteristic of extensive/expansive nature of LUCK…… Because LUCK is responsive, proactive and dynamic….. It is NOT static.
If you could understand what I try to tell you above, then, you are about to enter into the hall of TRUE and REAL Feng Shui….
How to Empower Your Money Luck and Career Luck…… ?
Principally you need to examine 3 areas of your house…. firstly Main Door Area…. Area means radiant of main door not only the main door itself. Secondly… Living Hall…. and Thirdly, Kitchen Area….
After examination, you need to put in the feng shui “input factors”. Remember, feng shui “input factors” is only One of the elements in Money Empowerment Feng Shui.
Contact master@mastersoon.com or call 6012 560 3333