A Buddhist temple located far away from city and deep in the jungle of a remote area. The weather is chilling….
There are numbers of Hermits. Most of them are more than 65 years old but looks much younger than their actual age…. It seems that aging process has been unintentionally well controlled. This is the living proof of Kundalili from Tibetan Buddhism perspective and as Great Circulatory Cycle of Living Force 大周天which assure experiencers of “ slowing down aging process in term of preserving youthfulness …. They speak very less, yet, every single word from their mouths is FULL of cosmic wisdom, spiritual enlightenment and life inspirations.
The site feng shui is awesome, magnificent, splendid, and gorgeous. This is dragonic feng shui. When I stay in this temple, you could feel the dragon living force/power/energy/Qi is mesmerizing your physical-self and spiritual-self. You could feel the dragonic living force tangibly by each and every single cell of your body…. At that very moment, your physical body starts to experience changes INSIDE OUT….. from there, your heart changes comfortably with full of spirit…..
According to Buddhism, your face feature and energy are determined by your heart… 相由心生…. In English, there is a concept in Bible which is similar to this Buddhist conception on how your spirit-self could alter your physical outlook in term of your personal charisma. This concept is Transfiguration , chapter 17:1-9 at Gospel of Matthew.
“ After six days Jesus took with him Peter, James and John the brother of James, and led them up a high mountain by themselves. 2 There he was transfigured before them. His face shone like the sun, and his clothes became as white as the light. 3 Just then there appeared before them Moses and Elijah, talking with Jesus.
4 Peter said to Jesus, “Lord, it is good for us to be here. If you wish, I will put up three shelters—one for you, one for Moses and one for Elijah.”……
Nevertheless, the very drastic different between Christianity and Chinese Mysticism is that fundamental of Christianity only acknowledges Transfiguration by Jesus alone…. But this concept is rarely or impossible implied among Christianity believers.
On the contrary, the concept of Qi/energy/living force in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Qigong, Feng Shui, or prana concept in Hindu/Yogic practices; therefore, Transfiguration is always possible to anyone/any place as long as the person is connected to cosmic life-force.
The acceptance of cosmic energy along metaphysical comprehension in Daoism/Buddhism/Hindusim, has opened up the realm of “higher possibility” to his devotees.
Brothers and sisters, you also could experience this kind of Transfiguration. It is an experience of a matter how your heart changes your physical body…..
If you cannot control your physical body which is tangible and comprehensible by your awakening heart, how are you going to change your life and luck, which is intangible and sometimes are incomprehensible and impenetrable?
Transfiguration is just the beginning of Chinese Mysticism….. During the Year End Sabbatical 2013, I am able to take many pictures of Transfiguration….. some of my the pictures were taken by hermits and the monks….
In our course of Chinese Mysticism on 14 Dec 2013 at Penang YMCA, we would discuss further on more unknown issues yet very vital in term of luck changing.
you may click : http://www.mastersoon.com/2013/11/25/chinese-mysticism-workshop-1-on-14-dec-2013/
Master Soon Profile :
- Specialize in “Untold Secrets of Chinese Business Feng Shui”
- Specialize in “Unknown Secret of Chinese Business Strategies”
- Specialize in “Untapped Power of Chinese Metaphysics”
- Specialize in “Unorthodox Programs of Luck Changing”
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- Technicalize in “Unconventional Methods of Life Advancement”
- 20 years research in Unknown Chinese Metaphysics, Untold Chinese Mind Strategies, Unorthodox Luck Changing Methodology.
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Contact: master@mastersoon.com or call 6012 560 3333
那一天 你遇见 真理 ;你的命运从此改变