- Marketing + Business/Investment Combination is still your career tendency for 2023-2024
- You are on the correct career path, a consistent career pattern.
- The good news is that the marks for Marketing (107%, 115%) & Business (125% & 118%) are STRONGLY powerful but no more Extreme like last 2 years.
- This means you are MORE all rounded & relatively multi-tasking; instead of too narrowly focused.
- Be reminded that being a generalist (multi-skillful) is an added value for career climbing.
- You are more open-minded/mature to new things/challenges; more willing to pick up new skills.
- You no longer rigidly and stubbornly reject new challenges.
- Nevertheless, you know very well your strengths: Marketing + Business.
- The gaps among each category are getting closer if compared to the last 2 years.
- Your adaptability and dynamism of your career are becoming mature; having a wider perspective.
- By 2024, your mind suddenly open for a creative/proactive paradigm/spectrum (Artistic 107%).
- In short, you further diversify your dimension of career development of ANY Possibility.
- This is the Path(new stuff, new role, new way, new method) you need to go thru,
- In order to empower you from various angles, to build the foundation to be a true leader in the near future.
- Generalist + Specialist = building a better tomorrow.
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电邮 Email: master@mastersoon.com