- Many Malaysians are concerned that during the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, the vulnerable B40 group that is most affected may have become B50.
- Many of those who used to belong to the M40 group have fallen into some form of poverty.
- A large number of them have fallen(as mentioned above) and remain the same till today.
- For your information, many M40 just fall into B40(or B50) during post-pandemic (2022-2023).
- I have found out there is a highly consistent pattern for those “fallen” M40 members.
- The pattern is that Most of them are experiencing the Change of 10 Year Luck Cycle 十年大運之轉換!
- The change is MOSTLY from a Powerful Luck Cycle to a Weaker Luck Cycle.
- They had to face a drastic change(good to bad) as their 10-20 years of Golden Time came to an END.
- Let me give you some examples as below :
- We shall discuss Malaysia’s Destiny cum Personal Destiny from the perspective of Middle Income Group.
- Because the data I collected from online consultation are mostly from M40, especially from 2020 to 2023.
- The effectiveness of feng shui is based on your personal Destiny(BaZi); Not the other way round.
- 一命 二運 三風水!
- Last but not least, when a member of T20 falls, the fall is beyond your imagination!
- If you are looking for something REAL and practical; kindly stay tuned for more to come.
Master Soon
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电邮 Email: master@mastersoon.com