- LKY was not only a politician, lawyer, or the founder of the Singapore city-state, but his intuition had proven he was a true metaphysician who was even much greater than Zhu Ge Liang 诸葛良 孔明 (181A.D – 234A.D)
- Zhu advised & split the nation(China) into 3 parts 三分天下 & hid at South West corner(smaller & weaker than Federal) but the destiny of his provincial territory was getting weaker and perished in more or less 50 -60 years.
- LKY strategically got Singapore out from the Federation of Malaysia.
- Not only Singapore is getting more advanced and well developed than the Federal after independence, but getting much more global fame than the Federal just after 20 years.
- LKY did lots of stuff that Zhu Ge Liang didn’t as below:
- He immediately focused on Destiny天数(Singapore’s future) re-engineering by challenging the Federal; without wasting time.
- as he knew if he allowed the Federal to grow stronger on yearly basis, then he could end up in jail and then FULL STOP.
- Remarks: Fast Action ensures a better chance
- 跟天数斗争必须如猛虎出山、疾雷迅电;否则身先亡
- as he knew if he allowed the Federal to grow stronger on yearly basis, then he could end up in jail and then FULL STOP.
- He straightly went to the core issue, the Destiny( Federation Constitution) & re-write Singapore Destiny
- as he knew Constitution was Singapore BaZi
- Remarks: Re-write your BaZi to change your Destiny天数 before you could change your feng shui
- 我命由我不由天
- Declaring New Independent Day
- as he knew Constitution was Singapore BaZi
- Then, he focused on Transportation(Land & Port) Re-building
- Changed Singapore Feng Shui once and for all
- Destiny(Singapore Day) Redo was First Step, Feng Shui Enhancement was 2nd Step 先改换天数,再优化风水
- Third Step, Nation Building 人为的建立星国意识形态
- He immediately focused on Destiny天数(Singapore’s future) re-engineering by challenging the Federal; without wasting time.
- In just a few years, LKY had gone thru the FULL SET of Chinese Metaphysical Framework as below
- Cosmantics 改变天数 Destiny Re-engineering
- Geomantics 改变地理 Feng Shui Re-engineering
- Humantics 改变国民意识形态 New Ideology Re-making
- All these were carried out very fast by LKY.
- Else, LKY & Singapore could be nobody once Federal grew stronger in just a few years. Just look at the incident of 513.
- On the contrary, Zhu Ge Liang did not do so, perhaps blocked by his boss LIU BEI 刘备
- Without LKY, Singapore will be just like Penang, marginalized by the Federal.
- Conclusion: LKY had demonstrated that
- Do not accept your given circumstances
- Change your Destiny(BaZi) in order to open up New Destiny
- Do it fast and as early as you can; do not drag
- Then only go after your feng shui & human factors
- However, will Singapore face some issues after 60 years in 2025?
- Stay Tuned for More info
LKY challenged Destiny & successfully changed it. He was truly a proven great grandmaster of metaphysics
《东方智慧》Oriental Wisdom – Master Soon
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