- 是幻 因六坎水无定相。是真 因水滋润了你。
- It is the year of illusion. Kan water(Six) has no fixed form, but truly water nourishes you.
- 此图对不同人有着不同的玄妙启发;因为个人因果、造化不同…..
- This picture has different mysterious inspirations for different people; because personal Karma is different…
备注 Remark:
Mistaking a tiger for a cat has unimaginable consequences
《东方智慧》Oriental Wisdom – Master Soon
WhatsApp : +60125603333
电邮 Email: master@mastersoon.com
Water Tiger 2022 : Having Profound View & Sharp Vision to Change Your Luck 真知灼见改变命运