- When you drive from Seberang Perai to Penang island via Penang Bridge; you will reach Tiang(Pillar) 56 right below you after 2-3 minutes from the Middle of the bridge at speed (70-80 km/h).
- Pillar 56(Tiang 56) known as the Ghost Mouth Pillar(Tiang Mulut Puaka) by coastal fishermen there; have caused fear and trauma to more than 20 fishermen who claim they were nearly to be sucked into a vortex/undercurrent the size of a football field there; years ago.
- According to the understanding from the Malay community, it is said that there is a White Giant Crocodile resides in Malacca Strait and was upset due to disturbance during Penang Bridge Construction from 1982-1985; where many human lives were claimed as a “deal” on monthly basis during Full Moon, after 12 am-midnight.
- This legend could be traced back a long time ago even before the arrival of Francis Light in 1786, but becoming a hot topic during the construction of the Penang Bridge in 1982; after claiming many lives during the construction of the bridge.
- Nevertheless, the area around Tiang 56 is still considered as BLACK ZONE until today.
- You can search many mystical stories related to Tiang 56 online via Buaya Putih di Jambatan Pulau Pinang.
- However, from a feng shui perspective, there is Gigantic Crocodile Head Formation(Hill) right behind e-Gate, Caltex & Tesco Penang on your left when you are coming down from the Penang Bridge & heading to George Town.
- In fact, you are entering into the domain controlled by a Crocodile Formation Feng Shui as below.
- The Significances of Giant Crocodile Formation :
- Bukit Gelogor (37 meters high) is the Right Eye
- Bukit Dumbar (34 meters high) is the Left Eye
- Northern Region Marine Department (3 meters high) is the front part of the mouth.
- Recsam(31 meters high) & Institut Perguruan Persekutuan(26 meters high) & government hostels(23 meters high) occupy on top of the Crocodile’s face
- e-Gate & Tesco Penang are located at the jawline/teeth of the Crocodile the as below:
- Feng shui is technical know-how & mechanism for you how to TRANSFER the energy from the earth into your body; for health, wealth & power.
- Energy has two sides:
- destructive and constructive ;
- negative and positive;
- What was mentioned by Tiang 56 is purely related to the destructive domain of this Crocodile Formation.
- Now the practical issue is how to extract and tap the positive and constructive power..??
- Penang Bridge Crocodile Feng Shui
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Master Soon
《东方智慧》Oriental Wisdom – Master Soon
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