- The day of your destiny is either darkness or brightness; is very much determined by the action taken by you during the golden time slot of your personal timeline.
- The day of your destiny is at your hand. It shall come constructively and beneficially as a result from your timely action taken during the golden slot of your personal timeline.
- Door of opportunity opens and closes in accordance to your personal timeline.
- It is just a matter of whether do you make use of it to the optimum when it is open.
- It could be too late to take action when the door has closed.
- China could narrowly escape from her disastrous coronavirus spreading further because China did a painful and brutal decision but timely to Lockdown the whole city of Wuhan on 23 Jan 2019 until further notice.
- Today, China not only has successfully contained coronavirus, but also extending her help to other nations.
- China attributes this success to the drastic decision made just on time(although not very early) before coronavirus spread beyond control(truly deadline).
- Based on the records of the plagues happened from century to century since thousands years ago, the plague(in China) always follow the timeline as below :
- Starting 始 during Greater Snow Season 大雪(07 Dec -21 Dec)
- Seedling 发 during Winter Solstice Season 冬至 (22 Dec- 05 Jan )
- Born 生 during Lesser Cold Season 小寒 (06 Jan – 19 Jan)
- Growing 长 during Greater Cold Season 大寒(20 Jan -03 Feb)
- Reaching Peak 盛 at The Beginning of Spring Season 立春 (04 Feb-18 Feb)
- Weakening 弱 at Rainwater Season 雨水 (19 Feb – 04 Mac)
- Declining 衰 at Awakening of Worms/Waking of Insects Season 惊蛰 (05 Mac – 20 Mac)
- Wuhan was Lockdown on 23 Jan 2020 during the growing period Before coronavirus reaching the PEAK.
- The Lockdown(23 Jan 2020) was done considerably late (should be in Mid of Dec) due to several bureaucratic issues; but luckily just in time before coronavirus reaching its peak around 04 Feb 2020.
- According to Yin Yang concept, coronavirus would definitely bound back when reaching the bottom/bottleneck during Declining Stage around 05 Mac – 20 Mac(Waking of Insects Season 惊蛰)under MAO month 卯月 ; IF it was not successfully controlled by THEN.
- That is why Declining Stage is also called as Awakening of Worms/Waking of Insects Season惊蛰。
- During this period of Awaken of Worms Season,coronavirus reawaken by spreading rapidly to every part of the world.
- The data of coronavirus shows that Iran and Italy were leading the way after overtook Korea during Awaken of Worms Season. Then the West and America is leading now.
- In fact, coronavirus has spread quietly to to West during 05-20 March(Awakening of Worms Season); and becoming worse during Spring Equinox Season 春分 (20 Mac – 03 April 2020)
- Because if you check 12 Months Cut Off Chart above, you will know that these 2 seasons are under the command of Mao Month 卯月(2nd Lunar Month of Chinese calendar).
- Ancient China recorded their findings/experiences in Chinese language. For example, Mao 卯 is written as 2 worms swim side by side(in mirroring/flipping to show the meaning of multiplying/increasing in number).
- The exponential increment of coronavirus case globally just happens in line with Chinese timeline as shown above.
- Many European countries like Italy, Spain, Germany and France are recording sharp increase during 05 March – 03 April) under commanding of Mao 卯(multiplying of virus cases).
- When zooming down to the chinese character Mao卯, it is the simplified version for eggs of worms 卵.
- Meaning to say Mao month is the breeding season for coronavirus(worms in ancient concept).
- Month of Mao opens up the passageway/highway/corridor/entrance from one country to another country, from one point to another point.
- All happen during this month because the time-space continuum for coronavirus is WIDELY open.
- Meaning to say, The West and America have lost the golden opportunity(March 2020) to contain/control the virus from spreading exponentially………..
- You can imagine what is happening and would be in the end of April for the world (especially America & the West) after losing the golden slot for their Self Rescue Timeline.
- Do you want this to happen to your personal destiny?
- When Italy, Spain and America miss the timeline, their citizens are forced to face darkness of tomorrow.
- In fact, all these are avoidable if ACTIONS are being taken IN Time(Timeline).
- If you want to set brightness for your destiny, you need to start to find out your TIMELINE.
If you would like to have insight about what TIMELINE is in store for you, kindly email to master@mastersoon.com
《东方智慧》Oriental Wisdom – Master Soon
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