- 命运没有给你任何承诺,只有你的思维承诺了你的命运。
- 树上落叶的方向由风来决定;而你的命运的方向由你来操纵。
- 不是环境决定了你的命运;而是你的神奇双手改变了环境。
- 外面的世界不会因你而改变;你的气度却改变了你的世界。
- 不是因为你不优秀;而是你不愿意相信你是独一无二的。
- 你的未来是伟大的,因为你的爱心拥抱了伟大的未来。

- Destiny does not promise you anything; but your mind promises you your destiny.
- The direction of the leaves on the tree is determined by the wind; but the direction of your destiny is in your hand.
- It’s not the environment that determines your destiny; it’s your magical hands that change the environment.
- The outside world will not change for you; but your temperament has changed your world.
- Not because you are not good; but you don’t want to believe that you are unique.
- Your future is great because your love embraces the great future .
《东方智慧》Oriental Wisdom – Master Soon
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