自中国回来,我就忙于风水堪察,这10天内已经往返吉隆坡两趟勘查地理风水。 这几个档案里,有的是看地理选址建筑洋楼;有者是为选址开业而忙,有者是为自己的事业聘请我调理阳宅住家风水,更有者是为健康的…….我亲爱的朋友,不是所有的人都像你们一样幸运。我们作为有良知的人类,应该为享受每一天感恩和感激周边的朋友。
以上的是我勘查风水时所拍.这方位是 《戌》位,为狗的方位。戌位上挂有一幅公牛(有角). 当下我就断,命书有云:三刑戌丑未,此图对牛、羊、狗不利。屋主马上说:“我家有肖牛和羊。”在看了一下方位,我断然的说:“您的太太肖牛但是脾气像公牛(画象已经显示)… 你肖羊,是温顺的绵羊…. 你有绅士风度总是以爱来款待太太,对她千依百顺…. ” 然而物主要求我有话直说,别转弯抹角….. 既然事主要我坦白,那我就放胆的断…..
” 太太是当家做主,她说了就算数。先生对太太爱护有加,是好男人. 只是三刑对你们俩肖羊牛的事业发展和家运和谐都不利.甚至…..
当下就将解除的方法告诉他们….. 继续论断风水后,给他家调理风水…..
《三刑,根据《阴符经》记载,三刑生于二合,亦如六害生于六合之义。如申子辰三合加寅卯辰三位,则申刑寅,子刑卯,辰见辰自刑;寅午戌加巳午未,则寅巳,午见午自刑,戌刑未;巳酉丑加申酉戌,则巳刑申,酉见酉自刑,丑刑戌;亥卯未加亥子丑,则亥见亥自刑,卯刑子,未刑丑。合中生刑,犹人夫妇相合而反致刑伤。造化人事,共理一而巳矣。 或曰:三刑之法,以数起之。皇极中天,十为煞数,积数至十则悉空其数,天道恶盈满则覆。故数自卯顺至子,子逆至卯,极十数而为无礼之刑;寅逆至巳,巳逆至申,极十数而为无恩之刑;丑顺至戌,戌顺至未,极十数而为恃势之刑。七则冲,十则刑,六则合,一理之自然也。》
Immediate came back from China, I had flied to Kuala Lumpur twice within 10 days. All this was dued to feng shui audits upon various requirments. Some for land selection before building a bungalow, some for existing house feng shui enhancement on career typically, some for sickness oriented feng shui enhancement… My dear friends, not all people are as lucky as you. We as a human being on earth that enjoy everyday should be thankful and grateful to what we have.
In this article, I would like to share a little about how to integrate Bazi into feng shui enhancment.
Three Punishment, a generic term used among Bazi Reading. The picture above show that there is a drawing of ox located at dog location.(Xu). Immediately, I said: ” this kind of drawing is harmful to individual of ox, dog and goat.” The husband relied me:” we have animal sign of ox and goat in our family.” I instantly counterchecked the surrounding and said:” your wife is a commanding and demanding cow (ox drawing tells…) , you are a gentle goat…. no… I should say you the husband is a quiet sheep….. you are a gentle husband who always love your wife and follow his request…. “
The husband interupted me and requested me to be more direct in dignosis… therefore I continued : ” the wife is the decision maker for the family. And, the husband is very gentle and polite. But, the my point here is this picture caused unhappiness in the family and disadvantages in both of your careers.
The husband while removing the item and said” Master Soon, you statement sounds logic, I must remove this drawing….immediately…”
I proceeded the analysis according and the husband took down every single details in his notebook.
Bazi three punishements tell more than this… as this is private and confidential…..