To be honest, my income wasn’t as good as it was when I am in Vietnam, I actually took a pay cut to be here in Australia to join this startup. You(Master Soon) mention that earning good Direct Money/Salary, but it disgraces/disintegrates/weakens my foundation. Does it mean that I should not be focusing on money or highly salary alone?
It refers to the decision you have made to stay in Australia to get PR. Be noted that Direct Money is no restricted to monetary alone. It should be understood as Overall Material Gain 综合物质生活; including lifestyle, standard of living, environment, climate like the way you choose Australia over monetary consideration(pay cut).
- The Direct Money(25%) you earn in Australia now is good in 2018. However, this 9 to 5 job(rock) is potentially stepping on you (flower) and terminating your other potential growth .
- It hints that earning good Direct Money/Salary in Australia now also disgraces/disintegrates/weakens your foundation/potential. Success in life does not restricted to MATERIAL alone.
- Nevertheless, you still find it comfortable in 2018, because there are Big Trees(11%) to be your supporting pillars for you to climb high up and sit on top.
- You are respected on high in 2018 since you (flower/small rattan 5%) can climb higher via Big Tree(11%) on one hand, yet, you are suffering from potential permanent/long term damage/erosion for your root/foundation on the other hand.
- In short, you do gain lots of SHORT TERM benefits(refer to indirect support, Big Tree, etc), yet, you also are compromising for LONG TERM loss Unintentionally.
《东方智慧》Oriental Wisdom – Master Soon
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