I have been receiving many questions about Xuan Kong Da Gua (XKDG) since 2 months ago. Those who ask this kind of questions are mostly practitioners and advanced level feng shui enthusiasts because to enable a person to ask questions within XKDG coverage requires certain level of feng shui knowledge. At the same time, the readership on my XKDG articles (mostly I wrote in year 2010) attract huge traffic into my blog. However, I was busy with my feng shui consultations in Kuala Lumpur and feng shui Workshops in Penang, and, had no time to answer those XKDG questions one by one.
Today, I just pick one of the question as below:
“I come across a saying that 玄空大卦为体,飞星为用, how true is this comment ?” This question asked what is my opinion on this market driven XKDG statement.
This market driven statement could be translated in another words as these :
” How do you think about the principle of XKDG which sounds XKDG is the body, and XKFS is the application?”
My comments :
- This is Faked XKDG statement(market driven) to justified a “blend of XKDG + XKFS”
- Classics only tells 峦头为体 Land form is the Body, NOT 玄空大卦为体 XKDG is the body.
- XKDG is subjected to Land Formation of a Location in term of topographical features.
- To have TOTAL understand on Topographical features, ability of Finding Dragon Spot is the ONLY WAY.
- Without the ability of Dragon Spotting, there is NO WAY to comprehend the REAL XKDG
- Becasue Dragon SPOT is the blue print and MASTER plan of XKDG.
- WITHOUT the MASTER PLAN(Dragon spot), you have NO WAY to verify which is FAKED which is REAL XKDG
- Becasue XKDG derives from Dragon Spot
- Any XKDG version which CANNOT help you to trace a Dragon SPOT, proving itself it is Incomplete or FAKED.
- Only ability, skills and technical know-how of Dragon Spot’s Spotting COULD provide TOTALITY of REAL XKDG

Master Soon XKDG Xuan Kong Da Gua. There are a lot of XKDG secrets in this picture... May the truth reveals itself to the selected few
If a XKDG master does NOT consider energy at XKDG1- XKDG 8, it tells that his XKDG has no Geomantics/Land Formation element. Each location XKDG1-8, shape and disturb the XKDG alignment you define or choose. Location at Master Soon and Master Soon 1 also impose invisible energy outcome onto property unit A-E, although all five units share the same architectural direction. Interraction of energy between property unit of J,H,I and J and XKDG 1-8 is very different from F,K and L.
If XKDG is being used to tilt a door or the main door of a property(house), this act of feng shui activation only tells that this kind of practitoners HAVE NOT YET fully comprehend/understand what XKDG is meant for.
If a person “Believe in” by Tilting a Main Door bearing ( in a few degree) would “MAKE OVER” or “Change” his destiny, this only tells that he has lost his mind or… he is poisoned by FAKED XKDG mentally.
May you have divine wisdom.
Further information only reserve for my class on 14-15 JULY 2012
Master Soon
email : master@mastersoon.com
mobile: +6012 560 3333