This Yi, means "Change". The Chinese writing is pictographic. "Yi" is combination of 2 portions which upper & lower. The Upper partion is Sun, 日. The lower portion is Moon月. This is also the sequence of Later Heaven Bagua后天八卦.
I have been thinking these few days of how can we approach Chinese Metaphysics from a better understanding points of view. Probably we should approach this knowledge from a healthier perspective. Feng shui is the most popular branch of Chinese Metaphysics known to the world. However, it is also the most polluted knowledge been presented to the world, be in Eastern or Western part of the world. Because it has been over commercialized since approx. 15 years ago without proper academic and profesional research. This kind of knowledge is spreaded to the various places, by mostly through commercialization. Although there are some sciencetists and profesors involving in feng shui teaching, yet, it is mostly also doing “passing” on the knowledge rather than evaluate and counter checking or put those theories under experiments.
Modern people could not understand metaphysics due to many reasons. Regarding, Yijing prediction, a branch of Chinese Metaphysic is misunderstood, mostly due to absence of a proper metaphysics presentation and proper explaination. Perhaps, we need to detect the secretive truths of Yijing from its very original way.
Language, is a very effective mean to understand a truth. Yet, Language is also an effective barrier to block the truth. The linguistic speed is always slower that mental speech. For example, sometime we find it is so hard and too slow to express our state of mind through linguistics or languages. Language is unable to express/describe/carry fully in relation to state of mind which is abstract and intangible. Even sometimes, language also cannot express objective matters/issues/happening. Therefore, it is very dangerous to trust(rely) the language to justify a truth. This is the reason why we have so many dispute/quarrel/conflict eventhough with WRITTEN CONRACT, as, contract which is recorded and understood by language is so easily been manipulated. It just simply explains that The Truth of the LAW, or the Truth of the Contract is “CHANGABLE”.

As a metaphysican, I know that my path on the planet earth is very much different from lay people...
Therefore, in real metaphysics, we always approach the TRUTH with NON-LINGUISTIC methodology, which are never appear in your class.. …………..
Stay Tuned If you want to know my insightful knowledge…….