Metaphysical Philosophy of Master Soon. Supreme Ultimate is Main Structure of Master Soon Philosophy
A feng shui practitioner without philosophical understanding, is just acting like Grass Cutter.
A feng shui lecturer without core value of Yijing comprehension, is just like a Loud Speaker.
A feng shui businessman without ethics, is just like an Uncivilized Homo Sapien.
A feng shui master without world history knowledge, is just like a Blindman showing the direction.
A feng shui teacher without metahysical wisdom, is always rely on and believe 100% on fake feng shui ” formula”.
A feng shui enthusiast without deep understand on world religions, is limited & narrow minded person.
Your path on metaphysics, is very much influenced by which category above your master belong to.
My path is enlightening. My idea is revolutionary. My method is holistic but unique. My soul is inspiring.. My mind is overwhelming.
It is impossible to change one’s luck unless you are able to dive into your inner self and change your inner energy.
Feng Shui formula alone could not change your destiny. Feng Shui chart is useless when confronting the REALITY of LUCK.
For , formula and chart do not carry any “energy” or ” power”;
until, I release your trapped inner self , and; set you free from feng shui bondage.
Brother and sister,
you will be able to understanding the secrets one day, when, your mind is unlocked by wisdom of metaphysics.
you will be able to see the meaningful secrets, when, your mind is untrapped by ignorance.
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Master Soon
Email: master@mastersoon.com