While I was preparing teaching material for my next coming class of feng shui module 1 (Sunday and Monday, 01&02 May 2011) at my office on 24th April (Sunday), Mr. Y called me up. He was with his wife went to Balik Pulau for Durian. Along the way back home, he saw my car in front of my Sunway Tunas office and decided to call me for dinner. During our dinner in Japanese restaurant at Sunway Tunas, he invited me again to his office for feng shui review.
Who is Mr Y ?
Mr Y, was the boss of a factory whom engaged my feng shui service 4 months ago, in December 2010. You may click to this article for memory recall, http://www.mastersoon.com/2010/12/30/factory-office-feng-shui.
How was the feng shui result? The result was very positive
You may log in to this for further information about the effectiveness of feng shui. http://www.mastersoon.com/2011/02/20/feng-shui-result-oriented-testimonial-in-2-weeks.
On the other hand, the report about feng shui result as per the 4th months after the activation is as below:
- Sales Volume increases from 15% to 30% base on monthly basis.
- Debt Collection increases At Least 25% from month to month.
The figures above were given personally by Mr.Y. on 25th April 2011 when I paid his factory for the 3rd visit within 4 months.
Sales Volume Increament Analysis
The company is very Selective in term of quality of the customers/prospects. The sales team is instructed only sell and deliver goods to good pay masters. I told the boss, Mr Y, that by right from my experience of feng shui audits, there should be minimum 30% increament of sales. Mr.Y told me that they have rejected many sales enquiries due to their policies. Therefore, the % of the sales increament was purposely suppressed by the company.(it could grow even better)
Debt Collection Increament Analysis
The Debtors numbers and periods has been reduced tremendously at MINIMUM 25% as reported by Mr Y.
Feng Shui Magical Steps Being Performed for Sales Increment
- Five ghosts Carry Money Method (master soon version) 孙氏五鬼运财法
- Xuan Kong Flying Stars Method (master soon version) 孙氏玄空法
- Xuan Kong DaGua Method (master soon version) 孙氏玄空大卦法
- Yijing Method (master soon version) 孙氏易卦法
White Magic being Performed for Sales Increment
- Daoistic Early Heaven Bagua Configuration
- Daoistic River Map Activation
- Daoistic Metaphysical Activation
- Daoistic Yijing
Feng Shui Steps For Bad Debts Collection
- Reorientation of office layout
- 5 Elements Reorientation
White Magic For Debts Collection
- Daoistic Collecting Activation
- ……
- ……
- ……

Master Soon Performed Daoistic Feng Shui, which is, very different from formula based feng shui theories. Different problem needs different methodology.... in this case, I performed method which is non-traditional, non-conventional.... nothing to with market-driven feng shui.....
Professional Feng Shui Conclusions:
In this case, I had partially cultivate the prana/Qi气 ;which is Daoistic and Hindusitic.
In need to highlight that Buddistic metaphysic is NOT suitable in this case.
feng shui of Market Version has no power to redeem this condition.
Master Soon version is unique and result oriented.
When I say 5 elements, I refer to REAL fire, REAL water, REAL wood, REAL metal and REAL earth.
When I say Qi…. I refer to Qi in tangible understanding… which is sensible.
If you are still stick to/believing in/applying the market driven(versions) of feng shui formula (be san yuan, san he, xuan kong flying stars, Nine Stars,…..) , you are predetermined to be a failure feng shui practitioner.
If your feng shui application has NON of the spiritualistic characteristics, real metaphysical cosmological applications or something related to Qi (in actual form), or prana manipulation; it means your feng shui is LACK of the essence of feng shui – Metaphysics and Spirituality
A feng shui practitioner who always follow the formula(s) is a Follower of feng shui but NOT the master of feng shui. For he has no metaphysical enlightenment.
Feng Shui application WITHOUT spirituality is just like – “Giving Birth to A Baby, but, WITHOUT the soul…….. “
After feng shui audit we went to Auto City, Juru of Penang to have our delicious chinese food in Shelaiton Restaurant…..
We spent about 60 mins to enjoy the food. Then, I depart for second feng shui audit at Butterworth in the afternoon session…..
It was about 9pm when I left Butterworth for Penang Island…
This is my daily activities as a full time metaphysician in Malaysia…..