Master Soon Audited Tomb Feng Shui 孙锦皇审定分金
Since Qing Ming is coming very soon, this article will still talk about Tomb Feng Shui. There are a lots of procedures and protocols of feng shui to be carried out before FINAL BURIAL. A responsible Tomb feng shui practitioner would go through this extremely crucial Tomb Feng Shui Step with the relatives. More importantly, this internal adjustment, which you cannotsimply change(tune…) once the burial is done. (off course feng shui master do not have to perform ritual of Taosim or Buddism, but the present to justify internal alignment is very crucial)

Master Soon‘s Adjusting Internal Golden Alignment 孙锦皇审定内分金
This procedure (internal alignment) has become a missing LINK in modern feng shui application……..
Most cases, this process is been left to be done by Tomb contractor or Funeral Organizer ….. hoo….. hoo.. Think about it.
For Tomb Feng Shui Professional Consultation: Call +6012 560 3333
由于清明节将到,所以咱们在此还是探讨有关阴宅风水的事项。其实,下葬本身就是一门学问,更是阴宅风水重要步骤的 一环。然而现实中却被现代风水风水疏忽。一个资深的阴宅风水理师是会与教导丧家如何处理“ 有关阴宅风水之事宜 ”;特别下葬过程中的内分金之审定。这是下葬后立碑时无法再改变的步骤。(当然地理师不是道教的道士或佛教的和尚,但有必要在场审定内分金)
阴宅风水专业服务热线 : +6012 560 3333