- Destiny of the world after 2020, looks mysterious, yet, Yijing offers a method to see through the cloud of mystery and reach the reality.
- Based on Yijing, Western Domination since 1520 A.D (500 years ago) is fading / saturating /decline after 2020.
- The Prosperity will be shared among various nations / countries through all over the world; yet more focus will be on :
- East Asia
- Southeast Asia
- South Asia.
- According numerology Yijing, the world after 2020 could be seen as 2+0+2+0= Number 4; as below:
- According to Yijing, Number 4 is EAST 震为东.
- Hence, Asia will be the focus in the future of the world after 2020.
- However, Asia is huge. Which part of Asia will be the focus?
- According to Yijing, Number 4 is Dragon 震为龙.
- After a primary research online was done, those countries / culture in the East and West that associate with Dragon / Snake / Python legends / Myths are as below
- All East Asia Countries (China, Japan, North Korea, South Korea, Taiwan)
- Most of Southeast Asia Countries (Thailand, Loas, Cambodia, Vietnam, Myanmar)
- Most of South Asia (India,Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Bhutan)
- Central & South America
- Ancient Egyptians
- Ancient Greeks
- Ancient Jews
- Since Number 4 refers to Asia only, then we can now zoom into
- East Asia
- Southeast Asia
- South Asia
- According to Yijing, Number 4 refers to Bamboo 震为苍筤竹;then we can safely focus on these 3 regions mentioned above; as combined of these 3 regions contribute the largest world bamboo distribution.
- According to world population % by region (dated on 25 April 2020):
- South Asia (24.89%)
- East Asia (21.53%)
- Europe (9.78%)
- Southeast Asia (8.58%)
- South America (5.53%)
- North America (4.73%)
- Western Asia (3.59%)
- Meaning to say South Asia + East Asia + Southeast Asia are contributing 55% of world population in April 2020.
- Most importantly, these 3 regions comply with attributes theorized by Yijing ; which are :
- From the EAST
- With Image of Dragon / Naga
- With booming / flourishing Bamboo growth
- Interestingly, Number 4 according to Yijing is Superhighway / Skyway / Freeway 震为 大途
- It means that Sea Route from South Asia – Southeast Asia – East Asia is the booming belt.
- According to Median Age by Regions (dated on 25 April 2020)
- South Asia (27.6 years)
- West Asia (28.2 years)
- South East Asia (30.2 years)
- South America (32.1 years)
- North America (38.6 years)
- East Asia (39.4 years)
- Europe (42.5years)
- Median Age means half of the population is younger than this age and half is older.
- South Asia(27.6 years) is the most dynamic and youngest among Trio of East Asia – Southeast Asia – South Asia.
- Meaning to say, East Asia could lead for the next 10-12 years in term of economic drive before the population ages further.
- Subsequently, South Asia will take the economic leadership after 10 – 12 years later.
- The rise of dragon in the EAST according to Yijing never constraint to a rigid location.
- Rather, the concept of Dragon in Yijing should be seen as a dynamic force / moving momentum /explosive power.
- In this case, it starts in East Asia but subsequently will shift to South Asia.
- As the centre between South Asia & East Asia, South East Asia is always benefited as middle man.
- Nevertheless, this article does not cover military and political strength.
- The main focus for this article is on how the world would be through the perspective by combining Yijing + World Demographics.
- The conclusion are
- The Decline of Western Domination
- The Rise of Various Asian Countries
- Shared Economic Prosperity Especially Among East Asia – Southeast Asia – South Asia.
- This is the Economic Trend from year 2020 – 2040.
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《东方智慧》Oriental Wisdom – Master Soon
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