Year 2014 is just at the corner. We have less than 28 days before welcoming the arrival of new year. Life planning also becomes a hot topic from Nov to Jan in the following year. There are numbers of propositions on how one could change his life in the new year.
Some theories propose that you should pre-plan your monthly activities, plan your life into segment of weekly controlled, monthly controlled… etc…. some theories suggest that you must hit and knock on the door of ” opportunity” the hardest you can. Normally, they come in the forms of Internet Marketing, Options Trading, Stocks Trading, Future Trading, Rich Dad & Poor Dad, Money Mastery…….. etc..
Other propose that you could use metaphysics like feng shui, bazi to guide you and design your luck.
However, many people had experienced ALL kinds of options I mentioned above, yet, what the results they got are very heterogeneous, diversified,varying, mixed, contrasting, differing, divergent and unrelated; despite of applying the SAME METHODS, SAME THEORY, SAME CONTENT, SAME COURSES.
What’s wrong with those METHOD of Luck Changing instead of providing hope, but giving more disappointment?
The answers are as simple as below.
Answer Number 1 : You Have Been Given Faked and False Methodology.
Answer Number 2 : You Have Been Given Unproven Methods.
Answer Number 3 : You Have Been Given Rigid Formula Which are Unable to Handle the diversities of Life Complexities.
Answer Number 4: The Provided Methods Do Not Fix Perfectly Into Your Personal Restricted Conditions Individually.
Answer Number 5 : Ignorance of Identifying The Truth of Life and Falsehood of Faked Knowledge.
Besides, the is a school of thoughts in feng shui, proposes that integrating individual destiny reading (Bazi or Zi Wei Dao Shu) into feng shui for accuracy. This proposition sounds more logic and rational. It seems that the method has taken individual destiny into consideration.
I would say yes it does, but limited to certain issues only. Why? Because basically, Bazi is quite powerful in luck reading. Integration of Bazi or Zi Wei Dau Shu does increase your feng shui reading and luck reading. It does enhance your QUANTITATIVE reading and understanding.
However, Bazi and Zi Wei Dou Shu (or any form of destiny reading), even though BACK UP by feng shui (any form of feng shui) CANNOT change your luck. Why ? Interesting Question…. The answer is here, listen carefully, :
Because Luck Changing is Qualitative…. It is NOT Quantitative. It is methodologically mistake to apply Quantitative counter measurements and hope for Drastic Qualitative Change. This is epistemologically a Serious Mistake.
(Epistemology : The branch of philosophy that studies the nature of knowledge, its presuppositions and foundations, and its extent and validity.) kindly do your own research on “Epistemology” to help to gain some insight why I say there are many faked formula in the market and hurt the readers so badly……
Before you could venture into a subject (luck changing) and make a change in a subject (luck changing in this case); you need to understand the nature and characteristic of the subject of study (what is Luck)…
It is unwise to jump into a topic (luck changing in this case) and claim that you could change it before you FULLY understand the topic and the subject very well…..
Luck is a Quality…. Luck is not a Quantity alone….. Luck is multi-facet, yet, luck is not purely based on digit like 1,2,3,4,5…..
Stay Tuned to get more inspiration…..
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Master Soon Profile :
- Specialize in “Untold Secrets of Chinese Business Feng Shui”
- Specialize in “Unknown Secret of Chinese Business Strategies”
- Specialize in “Untapped Power of Chinese Metaphysics”
- Specialize in “Unorthodox Programs of Luck Changing”
- Technicalize in ”Unfamiliar Techniques of Instance Success”
- Technicalize in ”Unawared Tactics of Career Excellency”
- Technicalize in “Unconventional Methods of Life Advancement”
- 20 years research in Unknown Chinese Metaphysics, Untold Chinese Mind Strategies, Unorthodox Luck Changing Methodology.
- 12 years specializing in Business Feng Shui Consultation. Guru of Enlightening & Inspiring Chinese Metaphysics.
- Being invited by corporates in Malaysia, Singapore, Switzerland, India, Thailand, Hong Kong, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou.
- Proven Unconventional Methodology of Luck Design is “Effective, Striking and Impressive”
Contact: or call 6012 560 3333
那一天 你遇见 真理 ;你的命运从此改变