- A : Incoming Dragon of Dragon Spot 龙穴之来龙
- B : Right Tiger of the Dragon Spot 龙穴之右白虎
- C : Left Dragon of the Dragon Spot 龙穴之青龙
- D: The Alignment of the Dragon Vein 龙脉之中轴线
- E : Where is Dragon Spot ? 龙穴在何处?

- Feng Shui ultimate power is not about your main door, kitchen, living room, choice of color. It is about the SUPER POWER of nature when you ride on it. 风水的终极威力不在你的大门,厨房,客厅或你所选择的颜色。它的威力只有当你骑在龙穴上方可以引爆。
- Do not look at your bed & color for SUPER POWER. Because the SUPER POWER is at the Dragon Spot but not on your bed or by your lucky color. 不要在你的睡床或颜色寻找威力。因为威武能量是在龙穴上,而不在你的睡床上或所谓吉祥颜色里。
- Nevertheless, Dragon Spot is not meant for lay people. It meant for selected few due to their good karma. 然而龙穴不是为普通人而存在的。它是为极少数有特别福报的人而存在的。
《东方智慧》Oriental Wisdom – Master Soon
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