- The above is the BaZi chart based on Gregorian Calender 01 Jan 2024.
- This is to see/analyze the Western domination over the globe.
- 60 years 1 cycle is significant in Chinese metaphysics.
- The West dominates the world overwhelmingly from 1964 to 2024(60 years).
- Western dominance began in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries; the centuries of the great discoveries of Spain and Portugal.
- Nevertheless, the peak of Western dominance reaches its climax during 1964-2024
- by 1964, the Western Bloc spent nearly 20 years(after WWII) surpassing the then Soviet Union to lead the world economically & socio-politically(although facing stiff military competition from Soviet Union)
- After 2024, the center of the world is shifting from the West to the Eastern Hemisphere.
- Europe is included in the Eastern Hemisphere.
- The power will shared among Russia, Europe, the Middle East, South Asia, North East Asia, South East Asia, and Africa.
- If the U.S. would like to maintain its superpower domination, then creating wars everywhere is a good choice from its perspective.
- Attached below is a BaZi chart based on 01 Jan 1964 for your reference!
- The Significance You Must Know:
- Both charts (1964 & 2024) shared the same Month Pillar 月柱 and Time Pillar 时柱.
- Jia Zi 甲子 is the
- Ultimate beginning & ending,
- Alpha & Omega
- Creating & Dismantling
- Both 1964 & 2024 signify the Peak(1964-2024) of the Western Dominance’s Peak(1724-2024)
- The chart for 2024(repeating Jia Zi 甲子 for both the Month Pillar & Day Pillar) only comes once every 300 years.
- 2024 signifies the end of 300 years of Western Dominance.
- Interesting to note from the chart of 1964.
- Day Pillar – Ji You 己酉
- Ji 己 referred to the Middle East (Petrol)
- You 酉 referred to the Western Bloc (U.S. dollar)
- Day Pillar – Ji You 己酉
- For the last 60 years(1964-2024), the world has been controlled via Petrol-Dollar.
- Since the signs(Petrol -Dollar) of 1964 have happened throughout 1964-2024;
- Then it is logical and rational for us to consider the sign from 2024: Eastern Hemisphere.
- Europe & Russia are part of the Eastern Hemisphere.
- The U.S., Australia & New Zealand seem not part of the Eastern Hemisphere.
- However, everything could be destroyed by nuclear weapons.
Stay Tuned
Master Soon
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