During this Business feng shui trip, I encountered Pongsu, Korean Style of feng shui at the house of Korean Origin Businessman in Delta of River Pearl. He is Mr. Kim ( many Koreans carry this surname) and has been in China for 8 years. He came to China as top management of well known Korean International Company, nowasday.
Today, he is a businessman by himself and running a sizeable company. Just like Japan, Korea also been influenced by China since thousand years ago. It is no surprise that Korea also applies feng shui back in Seoul.
Mr Kim told me that in fact many giant Korean companies in Seoul also engaged feng shui consultation before running a business. He told me that in Korea, due to advices from Pongsu (feng shui), there are many cases that Korean Giant companies purposedly postphone the date of building construction. There was a case that a company just to fulfill the Seoul city council requirement to make sure that there is ALWAYS construction work carry on at the site which was located right in the centre of Seoul ; the company just made sure that the Site was full of construction “noise” when ever the city authoritiy came to check. This kind of “noise” was carried for 20 years and finally the REAL construction eventually started after 20 years of “noise” ….
Today, this international company is doing very well in IT industry and posing business threat to American based IT company.
Mr Kim wanted to boost his own business performance and this is the very reason he get me flew in to China. This is an unexpected incident that I could encounter Korean Sytle of feng shui in China by a Korean origin.
Honestly, the are many similarities between Chinese Feng Shui and Korea Feng Shui. Nevertheless, there are also too many Missing Link in Korean Feng Shui. Let us recall some feng shui history back in Tang Dynasty (618 A.D – 907 A.D) , there was a feng shui classic by the name of MIE MANG JING 灭蛮经,or literally it means Destroying Barbarian Classic. This classic was about feng shui knowledge with politic driven hidden agenda by Imperial Court of Tang Dynasty. Tang Dynasty was the most glorious Era of anceint China imperialism, which same also the same time of Islamic empire begining in another corner of the world. Many Korean and Japanese came to Tang Dynasty for knowledge and of course including feng shui.
That was a conspiracy theory about MIE MANG JING 灭蛮经,or literally it means Destroying Barbarian Classic. Mie Mang Jing was full of feng shui theories and knowledge. However, this classic was full of FAKED feng shui formulations. It was said that this classic was made by imperial court due to national interest protection. This classic was said distributed among foreign students and spread to Japan and Korea. However, there is always law of Karma prevails… China herself also suffered from this faked knowledge due to back fire of this faked classic.Knowledge and information spread beyond boundaries. When faked knowledge spreaded back to mainland China after a few hundred years, China herself also experienced the same outcome. (If you are interested, you could do some literature yourself from being cheated by faked feng shui even in modern era as today)
Today, history repeats itself. Faked feng shui is still spreading especially in those non- Chinese speaking communities, Sadly but Truely….
I spent a whole day to explain the correct way of feng shui to Mr Kim as sincerely he had paid partly to my trip. You could see Mr. Kim is very traditional man who alwyas follow Confucianist 儒家 way of manner. This conforms a saying in China that if you want to see the Glory of Tang Dyansty( 618- 907 A.D) you should go to Kyoto in Japan; if you want to see the Culture of Ming Dynasty (1368-1644A.D) you could see the Korea Movie( Korea Dynasty followed many custom of Ming Dynasty) . All this is historical facts we could not deny.
In Mr Kim way of treating me and the way he carries himself, you could easily see the traditional values of Confucianist; where Chinese themselves had lost all those values after rapid “Modernization”. In certain manner, I would say Korean and Japanese are more ” Chinese” or “Confucianistic” compared to Mainland Chinese.
Due to respect to Mr. Kim P&C, there is no elaboration on his house feng shui. I also visited his company office. Mr.Kim speak fluent Mandarin.