XKDG - Tomb Feng Shui 玄空大卦 应用于阴宅风水
Probably, this info would give you some tips of your XKDG application…
Probably, this info would help you in understanding certain part of XKDG application….
For Sakti….. The ultimate source of Yin Energy…..

Malaysia Metaphysician Master SOON
International Feng Shui Master 国际易经玄学老师
Restaurant Feng Shui 餐厅风水
This is a closed down restaurant. My students and me used to visit this restaurant quite sometime ago after feng shui classes. We had predicted that this restaurant would not last long due to couples of feng shui problems.
The business operator thought that by putting a few potted plants in front of the main door would cure the feng shui problem probably after some feng shui consultancy. However, the business operator did not aware that in actual fact, the restaurant internal layout had violated the feng shui principle. He had ignored his money corner activation.
The placement of a few potted plants seemed like to be feng shui cure. However, it was a wrong feng shui treatment. I am totally agreed that plant putting is one of the feng shui cures. But, the correct diagnose is most important at the first place; in order to help a feng shui master with an accurate treatment proposal.
XKFX double 8 also no cure ! How about XKDG by touching the auspicious line?
Think about it ….