On 6th Jan 2011, took a retreat after monthly long tight schedule. Took A Natural RainForest Spa.....
There is a good feng shui place for instant rejuvenation and healing – Air Itam Dam of Penang.
The weather on 6th Jan 2011 was find. It was about 26 degree celcius at Air Itam Dam in Penang at 5: 45pm. This Area of Air Itam Dam is reversed for hiking and excercise. Although I am still in tight and heavy schedule during January of 2011, I am able to slot in some times for relaxing and excercising.

At my back is the township of Georgetown of Penang.

The Dam...... There are a few dragons within these area....

Rejuvenated, Refreshed, Vitalized, Energised and Mesmerized By Dragonic Force